Sunday 7 August 2016

EROGAN SLAP IN THE FACE: Austria threatens to BLOCK talks on Turkey's EU membership

AUSTRIA'S foreign minister has threatened to block the expansion of negotiations with Turkey on its accession to the European Union, which could scupper a landmark migration deal between Brussels and Ankara.

Turkey president Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Austria have threatened to block talks on Turkey's EU membership

Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz's comments risk exacerbating a row between Austria and Turkey that flared last week when Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern suggested ending Turkey's EU membership talks altogether because of the country's democratic and economic deficits.
In an interview an Austrian newspaper, Mr Kurz said: "I have a seat and a vote in the (EU) foreign ministers' council. 
"There the question is whether new negotiation chapters will be opened with Turkey, and I am against it."
The Turkish government's crackdown on followers of a US-based cleric whom it blames for last month's failed coup has strained relations with the 28-nation bloc, which depends on Ankara to restrict the westward flow of migrants.
Turkey has so far lived up to its side of the deal with Brussels to stop illegal migration to Europe via its territory, in return for financial aid, the promise of visa-free travel to much of the bloc and accelerated talks on membership.
Visa-free access has been subject to delays however due to a dispute over Turkish anti-terrorism legislation, which some in Europe see as too broad, and the post-coup crackdown. 
Turkish president Erdogan
Erdogan agreed a migrant deal with the EU in exchange for visa-free travel
Mr Kurz said Turkey and its president Recep Tayyip Erdogan had not met the conditions for progress to be made.

He said: "The criteria for visa liberalisation will not be fulfilled by Turkey. And the requirements for accession talks have not been met."
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Friday accession talks were "as good as deadlocked" but he rejected calls to halt them entirely saying the bloc needed to think more broadly about how to frame its ties with Ankara.

Austria's centrist coalition government is under pressure from the resurgent anti-immigration Freedom Party, which is running first in opinion polls with support of more than 30 percent and is vehemently opposed to Turkish EU accession.
The EU flagGETTY
The failed Turkish coup has strained Ankara's relations with the EU
Mr Kern's Social Democrats and Kurz's conservative People's Party must either work together or face a snap parliamentary election, and Kurz is widely seen as likely to take over as leader of his party before then.
Mr Kurz said: "Turkey has for its part already declared that it does not want to fulfil all the criteria. As a result the migration deal will not last."