Saturday 13 August 2016

'Keep Russia Russian!' Putin moves to OUTLAW ‘alien values in laws’

VLADIMIR Putin is attempting to outlaw “alien values” in Russia’s judiciary system with a raft of new rulings.

Putin is keen to establish a more traditional justice system
The no-nonsense leader’s party have declared their desire for all laws to reflect the country’s traditional values. 
Putin’s close ally Valentina Matviyenko outlined her intention to bring the country’s judiciary system back into line in an opinion piece in the Russia parliament’s newspaper.
She said: “There are non-stop attempts to force our country into adopting legal stances and approaches that often conceal some values that are alien to us.
“Because of this I deem it important to introduce a special expertise of legal drafts that would see if they match our historical national values.”
The Upper House speaker said establishing traditional values and rejecting those that oppose Russia tradition must become an “inseparable” part of lawmaking. 
Efforts are being made to establish a more traditional Russian justice system
Valentina Matviyenko wants to remove "alien values" from Russian laws
Ms Matviyenko continued: “This is what we must remember about when we pass laws and when we apply them. We are already doing this, but only from time to time. 
“I think that such expertise must be made an inseparable part of our work in the Federation Council.
“In all these years we have not adopted a single law that would infringe on any of the constitutional rights and freedoms and our political system ensures citizens’ control over the authorities.”
Efforts have been made by the Kremlin in recent years to limit foreign influence
This declaration follows an effort in recent years to cement the country’s heritage into its hierarchy. In 2014, for example, a controversial bill made it illegal for politicians in the country to have business dealings with “foreign agents” - including NGOs. 
Earlier this year the head of a Russian business association proposed making it illegal for the children of civil servants to study abroad. 
Rakhman Yansukov argued the move would help “give a new estimate to the quality of modern education in Russia.”