Friday 12 August 2016

Terror-struck Belgium believes there are too many migrants coming to the EU

NEARLY 60 per cent of people in Belgium think there are too many migrants in their country as the incoming population’s contribution to a declining Europe comes under the microscope.

The majority of people in Belgium believe that immigrants put too much pressure on public services

Only one in 10 Belgians think migrants have a positive impact on the country, according to a survey by Le Soir newspaper.
A directer at the market research company, Ipsos, who carried out the study, Jean-Michel Lebrun, said: “Half of people surveyed or actually 58 per cent of Belgians think that immigration puts pressure on public services - these are very negative figures.”
Brussels was bombed in March killing 32 civilians
If we do not welcome immigrants then we need to accept that there will be a population decline because Europe is ageing
Think tank director
The poll follows a number of terror attacks in Belgium.
Last year in Belgium, there were 39,000 asylum seeker applications, which is twice as many as in 2014.
However director of migration at a think tank, François Desmet, said: “This figure is less than in the year 2000 when there was a record 45,000 applications.
Belgium police cars GETTY
Belgium is on high alert following terrorist attacks this year
“Many of these people have returned to their home country, have gone elsewhere or are now well integrated into society.”
The survey, which was carried out in 22 countries across the world, revealed just 20 per cent of Europeans are in favour of immigration. 
It also discovered that 53 per cent of Belgians are convinced terrorists are amongst migrants and 55 per cent of people think migrants came to the country for economic reasons rather than fleeing persecution or war. 
The immigration centre said that the number of migrants in Europe is limited with only two asylum seekers for one thousand European citizens.
The survey revealed that one in five Europeans are in favour of immigration
The director added: “This number is not so many that it will drastically change the demographic of Europe.”
Mr Desmet highlighted immigration could save Europe and make up for a natural decline in population.
In 2015, for the first time there were more deaths than births so migration can ensure there is not a decline in populations. 
Mr Desmet said: “If we do not welcome immigrants then we need to accept that there will be a population decline because Europe is ageing. Some countries more than others. Germany is ageing more than France for example.”
He urged people to think less about the fears of immigration and more about the positives adding “we have nothing to fear and all to gain”.