Wednesday 17 August 2016

Jean-Claude Juncker warned he could spark European CIVIL WAR with arrogant Brexit stance

JEAN-CLAUDE Juncker has been warned he risks being responsible for causing a bloody civil war in Europe if he persists with his arrogant approach towards Britain.

Jean-Claude JunckerGETTY
Jean-Claude Juncker has been warned he risks sparking civil war over Brexit
A political expert branded the Brussels chief’s actions “stupid and short-sighted” and said his Brexit negotiating stance makes him akin to “some latter day Nicolae Ceausescu”.
In a blistering attack academic Sean Swan said the EU Commission boss is “doomed” because he is behaving like a “frustrated child” and not a statesman. 
Juncker has been widely derided across Europe for his antagonistic behaviour towards Britain following the Brexit vote, which has seen him hurl a series of empty threats and give petulant interviews. 
EU leaders are so worried about his erratic and inflammatory behaviour that they are trying to freeze him out of the exit negotiations with Britain and deal directly with Theresa May. 
And in scathing comments today pro-EU Mr Swan railed against the destabilising effect Juncker’s behaviour could have on both the UK and Brussels going forward. 
In particular he expressed alarm at the EU chief’s apparent determination to punish Britain for voting to leave the bloc, in a move designed to ward off euroscepticism elsewhere. 
He said: “This may be the diktat of a high handed elitist or the pouting of a frustrated child, but what it most definitely is not is the stance of a statesman. 
“The referendum result happened for a reason, a majority of the people are unhappy with UK membership of the EU as it currently exists. 
“Juncker is going for the doomsday ‘out’ option on this rather than seek to understand why people are discontented and seeking to address their concerns.
A Union Jack umbrellaGETTY
The EU chief has taken an antagonistic stance towards Britain
Angela MerkelGETTY
Angela Merkel reportedly wants to get Juncker removed from his post
This is a stupid, short-sighted and doomed policy
He added: “This referendum result can – and should be – seen as a demand for reform.  
“If Juncker assumes the stance of some latter day Nicolae Ceausescu, he may well intimidate some into compliance in the short term, but he will also further stoke Euroscepticism. This is a stupid, short-sighted and doomed policy.” 
Mr Swan, a political lecturer at Gonzaga University, in the US state of Washington, and the London School of Economics (LSE), added that such a rash approach could cause the disintegration of the EU. 
And he pointed to the break up of the former Republic of Yugoslavia in the late 1980s, which descended into the horrendous Balkans War, as an example of how such a situation can quickly spiral into bloodshed. 
He said: “Let nobody be deluded about what is happening here. We may be witnessing a sort of western 1989. 
“The collapse of both the EU and the UK is now a real possibility. Perhaps it will be relatively orderly as in the case of the Eastern Bloc, but maybe it will take on aspects of the collapse of Yugoslavia.
“Unthinkable? Yes, but everything is unthinkable – right up to the moment it becomes inevitable.” 
In his opinion piece, published on the Democratic Audit think tank website, the academic also said that leaders in Brussels still do not understand how working class anger at the effects of globalism had sparked Brexit. 
He argued that Juncker and the EU elite are hopelessly out of touch with European populations, with eurosceptic movements booming in Italy, France, Scandinavia and eastern Europe. 
And he added: “Juncker must change his tone and his posture, and if he refuses to do so, it falls to the leaders of other member states and to the EU Parliament to help him see the error of his ways. 
“In the final analysis it may fall to the people of Europe themselves to make their voices heard on this issue.”