Thursday 22 September 2016

Donald Tusk warns United Nations 'A GREAT CHANGE' is coming to EU to keep migrants OUT

DONALD Tusk has told the United Nations "great change" is coming to the European Union (EU), promising Brussels will restore order to its borders.
In a shocking speech to the UN, the European Council President admitted a "difficult" year had finally taken its toll on the European Union.
The EU President promised to "restore order on our external borders and take back control".
He said Europe is ready to spend billions to keep migrants in Middle Eastern refugee campsin order "to create stability" on the continent.
Mr Tusk promised that there would be "no repeat of the year 2015" when more than 1.5 million migrants flowed across EU borders.
President Tusk GETTY
President Tusk warned that a 'great change is coming'
During his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, the leading EU chief said the flow of millions of migrants over the bloc's borders had gone too far.
He said the EU "needed to regain a sense of security" and called on leaders like Angela Merkel to listen and understand ordinary European citizens. 
Mr Tusk added: "I feel that ordinary people sense a great change is coming.
"Our job is to bring back a sense of direction, to bring back confidence, to bring back a sense of order."
estore order to EuropeGETTY
President Tusk pledged to restore order to Europe
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Tusk promised to wrestle back control for European borders
He said Europe's policy "to help all those in need" had created chaos and he called for a "new pragmatic approach".
Mr Tusk added: "We need a shift towards a global system of more orderly movement, where the responsibility is shared and where no one will bear the burden alone."
He said that the new approach will dramatically "reduce irregular flows to the EU".
The European leader revealed negotiations with Jordan and Lebanon on setting up mass refugee camps were well underway and hinted at similar deals across Africa.
His speech marks a dramatic U-turn from one of the leading voices of the European project and hints that the EU’s priority is to now keep migrants out of Europe.
The plan means the EU will countries hosting large numbers of refugees, such as Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey to keep migrants out of mainland Europe.
He also used his speech to warn that the threat of terror on European borders "will touch all of us sooner or later". 
The EU President added: "We are upgrading our borders to ensure that terrorists cannot pass, or re-enter.
"We are working with communities to prevent young people from becoming infected with hatred."

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