Saturday 17 September 2016

YOU'VE CAUSED CHAOS! EU chief blames Angela Merkel for migrant crisis and ISIS attacks

EUROPEAN Union (EU) bosses have blamed Angela Merkel and her open-door policy for the migrant crisis and Islamic State (ISIS) terror attacks on the continent.

Donald Tusk and Angela Merkel
Donald Tusk did not hold back about Angela Merkel's migrant policy

As the remaining 27 EU leaders attempted to put on a show of unity at a summit in Bratislava, Slovakia, Donald Tusk, president of the European Council hit out at the German Chancellor.
He said she created chaos in the region by welcoming 1.1million Syrian migrants last year.
Mr Tusk blamed “political correctness” for delays in closing Europe’s borders in 2015 which allowed more than a million into the continent unchecked, including ISIS jihadis who attacked Paris and Brussels killing 130 and 32 people respectively.

Mrs Merkel was forced to listen to EU leaders ripped into her - destroying the unity leaders of the EU are attempting to portray as they meet to talk about the future of Europe after Britain voted in June to leave the bloc.
A note to diplomats before the summit from Mr Tusk urged the EU “never to allow return to chaos of last year”.
All 27 remaining leaders of the EU are at the summit to discuss Brexit
In the invite, he referenced “last year’s chaos on our borders” in reference to the crisis made worse by Mrs Merkel’s decision to open up Germany’s doors to Syrian refugees.
He wrote: “New images every day of hundreds of thousands of people moving across our continent without any control, created a feeling of threat among many Europeans.
“They had to wait too long for action to bring the situation under control. 
“Instead, all too often they heard politically correct statements that Europe cannot become a fortress, that it must remain open.”
Countries across the union have deeply differing views about how to deal with the migrant crisis, with the issue of border control top of the agenda in Bratislava.
The German Chancellor fought back against criticism of her refugee policy from several leaders during a two-hour working lunch on the Danube aboard German pleasure boat, MS Regina Danubia and four and a half hours of meetings in Bratislava’s medieval castle.
Migrants have set up camps all over Europe
She is set for another difficult day tomorrow as Germans go to the polls for state elections in Berlin, with her ruling Christian Democrat (CDU) coalition being forced to contend with a rise in votes for anti-migrant parties.
Diplomats said concern over the elections has led Mrs Merkel to stay away from any criticism over Europe to prevent a planned EU declaration being used against her.

One EU diplomat, said: “The word ‘chaos’ was in the text that was presented to national delegations.
“Germany had sensitivities about the word which was replaced by the term ‘uncontrolled flows’.”
Following yesterday’s summit, leaders agreed to create an EU border and coastguard patrol by next month, with 200 extra border guards and 50 extra vehicles to be deployed on the under-pressure Bulgarian border at the exterior of the EU.