Thursday 8 September 2016

Europe suffers the results of Merkel’s open-door policy, says Leo McKinstry

IMAGINE if an army of football hooligans or neo-Nazi skinheads tried to set up a camp at Calais.

Angela Merkel - Migrant starting a fire in Calais
Angela Merkel's open door policy has been problematic for Europe

Do you think the French and British authorities would allow them continually to spread violence, disorder, squalor and mayhem across the region, wrecking businesses and threatening lives? Not for a moment.
The army and police would use the utmost force to close the place and deal with the criminals.
There would be baton charges, detentions, mass imprisonments and deportations, all cheered on by the politicians.
But such resolution has been utterly absent from the official response to the creation of the Jungle camp in Calais.
Institutionalised political feebleness has shamefully allowed the site to become a vast engine of anarchy and intimidation.
The reason for this impotence is simple: the authorities are so obsessed with the dogma of multi-culturalism, so gripped by anti-Western self-loathing, so anxious about accusations of racism that they are too terrified to take effective action against the illegal migrants at Calais.
It is nothing more than cowardice dressed up as humanitarian tolerance. This is the attitude that is ruining Europe.
Calais is a symbol of the wider social breakdown that is engulfing the continent due to the disastrous policies of our rulers.
The very forces that should be defending our civilisation are now colluding with our enemies.
In the name of diversity, European governments actively promote the influx of vast numbers of foreigners who hold our values in contempt.
David Sagnard, of the French truckers’ federation, said this week of Calais: “Drivers now go to work with fear in their bellies.”
But that sense of fear is all too prevalent across the continent as a result of mass immigration and free movement, particularly since ­German Chancellor Angela Merkel signalled the opening of the floodgates to more than one million so-called refugees last year.
That tidal wave has been accompanied by a surge in brutal Islamic terrorism, reflected in incidents such as the bombing of Brussels airport this year, the twin massacres in Paris in 2015, the murder of the Catholic priest in Rouen and the attack on the Nice seafront in July in which 86 people died.
Apart from such atrocities there has also been an endless stream of other terror acts that have received far less coverage but are all too indicative of Europe’s accelerating disintegration.
Paramedics during the Paris attacks
There has been a surge in brutal Islamic terrorism

Last month in the district of Saint Denis in Paris a group of young men shouting “Allahu Akbar” stopped a bus with a makeshift barricade and then torched it with Molotov cocktails. Luckily the passengers managed to escape without injury.
Less fortunate have been the recent stabbing victims. They include a police officer and his wife who were murdered in June on the outskirts of Paris by an assailant who had declared his allegiance to IS.
As menacing as the direct Islamist violence is the growth of cultural terrorism.
Against the backdrop of our increasingly fractured society, the liberties, morals, aesthetics and heritage of Europe are under threat as never before.
Traditions such as freedom of speech and the celebration of art are in mortal danger.
Protest against sexual abuse from refugees
The continent is now in the midst of an abuse epidemic
In France this summer more than 50 festivals, including several firework displays to mark the Feast of the Assumption, were scrapped following the Islamic attacks. But this cultural terrorism is perhaps seen at its darkest in the rise of sex attacks by immigrants across Europe.
The continent is now in the midst of an abuse epidemic caused by the import of toxic, often barbaric, misogyny from Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
The notorious New Year assaults in Germany are just one example of this disturbing trend. In Belgium recently a group of young migrants filmed themselves as they laughed, danced and sang in Arabic while they raped an unconscious 17-year-girl who had been drinking at a party.
“She can’t complain. Women must obey men,” one of the rapists later told the police. A further snapshot of the unfolding horror comes from Östersund in Sweden, a sleepy town of just 45,000 people.
Here, in the space of three weeks during the early spring, there were eight separate attacks by migrants on women. The catalogue of sexual aggression included one disturbing crime at a bus stop where two 10-year-old girls were groped by a gang of men who threatened to rape them.
In a further indicator of how Europe’s essential freedoms have been eroded by immigration, police in Östersund warned women that they were no longer safe walking home at night.
A Swedish police chief said that the attacks “seem unreal”. We are now living with the lethal consequences of suicidal policies.
Yet our rulers, instead of admitting their failure, indulge in orchestrated attempts to cover up migrant crime, either by simply refusing to report the offences, as initially happened in the German sex assaults, or by obscuring the origins of the perpetrator.
So after the recent Russell Square murder in London we were informed that the suspect was “a Norwegian” when in fact he was a Somalian immigrant. In the same vein our rulers continually seek to deny the obvious link between Islamic culture and violence by referring to the criminals’ mental health, as if more psychiatry rather than stronger borders were the solution.
The real lunacy comes from the supine, craven politicians, who have lost all willingness to protect their own society.