Thursday 29 September 2016

Manchester real estate industry urged to boost connectivity for businesses

Business confidence in the tech capital of the north remains high, but workers are increasingly seeking investment in technology infrastructure to enable collaborative working, according to WiredScore research

by the commentator on 29 September 2016 10:47


With  its industrial heritage, it is no surprise that Manchester is leading the curve on British tech. The biggest tech cluster outside of London, new research from WiredScore, the leading global digital connectivity rating scheme for commercial property, has shown that confidence in the local economy is high.

The local talent pool, the city’s industrial heritage, and its commercial real estate prices are all cited by the northern tech professionals, surveyed for the ‘Manchester: a connected future report’, as key factors in what makes Manchester an attractive tech hub (69%, 65%, and 58% respectively).
However, poor connectivity is clearly perceived as a threat to Manchester’s future, with one in five respondents saying they believe it could have a negative impact on the city.
One in 10 northern tech professionals believe that poor connectivity could damage the city’s reputation by discouraging Manchester-based entrepreneurs. While a further 10 percent of respondents also claimed that current connectivity levels give a poor impression of the city to potential investors, and could put off businesses from operating in Manchester.
Connectivity is crucial to digital businesses. And it’s clear that if Manchester is to reach its potential as a global tech hub, faster, more reliable, and more affordable internet is needed. 
That said, it’s not all doom. Confidence for the city to deliver in this area is relatively high, with almost two thirds of tech workers claiming that they believe there are no poor areas of connectivity in the city.               
However, respondents look to local landlords and developers to do more. A third of northern tech workers believe that more businesses will be attracted to the city if landlords were able to offer greater/improved internet connections.
A number of progressive local landlords are already doing that. WiredScore, who launch in Manchester today, are already working with the city’s digital leaders to provide a benchmark for their properties’ commercial connectivity and support them in understanding what improvements to the infrastructure is needed to support their tenants’ digital business needs.
Over 4 million sq ft of Manchester’s property has already been committed to be Wired Certified, by CBRE Global Investors, Kennedy Wilson Europe, Legal & General Investment Management, Peel, Property Alliance, NOMA/Hermes Investment Management, Schroders and Helical.
Commenting on the important role of commercial real estate in supporting Manchester’s growth as a tech hub, William Newton, UK director, WiredScore, said “It is essential that developers and landlords in Manchester consider the ever-more important role of technology in business – both for tech companies and otherwise -  and provide the connectivity that meets the current and future needs of their occupiers.