Friday 29 March 2019

BATTLE FOR BREXIT: Today should have been historic, but it’s shambolic, says LEO McKINSTRY

TODAY was meant to be the inspirational moment when the country finally embraced independence after decades of rule by the European Union.

Today was meant to be the inspirational moment when the country finally embraced independence (Image: LEON NEAL/AFP/GettyImages)

Instead, thanks to the monstrous irresponsibility and self-indulgence of the political class, we remain trapped in limbo, with the chances of Brexit rapidly disappearing. The stalemate at Westminster represents an appalling betrayal of the British people. In the EU referendum of June 23, 2016 – 1009 day ago – after the biggest democratic exercise in our history, the electorate sent a simple instruction to our rulers. 

But they have disgracefully failed to act on that mandate. Our country is no nearer to leaving now than it was in 2016. 
Almost three years have been wasted in enfeebled negotiations, procedural games and continual procrastination. 
Just think of the outrage if the roles had been reversed. Imagine if the Remain campaign had won the referendum, then Parliament had decided to ignore the verdict and gone ahead with our withdrawal from the EU. 
Such a scenario might seem absurd, but it is exactly what the establishment is now doing with Brexit. 
Every element of Parliament has let people down (Image: Getty Images)
In the process, the politicians are destroying faith in democracy, making a mockery of the ballot box, heaping humiliation on our country and turning Britain into an international laughing stock. 
As a failure of statecraft, comparisons have frequently been drawn with Tony Blair’s disastrous invasion of Iraq in 2003 or the Winter of Discontent in 1979, when trade union power paralysed the economy. 
But this Brexit fiasco is far worse. The very future of our nation is at stake, yet our rulers are gripped by cowardice and inaction. 
Every element of Parliament has let us down. The Tory Government has lacked resolution in negotiations with the EU and authority in the Commons. 
Labour has acted with narrow, partisan spite, always thinking of short-term political advantage instead of the long-term interests of our nation and democracy. 
Titan: Margaret Thatcher (Image: David Levenson/Getty Images)
But the biggest culprits of all are the Remainers, who have simply refused to accept the outcome of the 2016 referendum. 
In their arrogant disdain for the will of the people, they are the prime architects of the present fiasco. 
Tragically, there is no sign of any consensus emerging in the febrile atmosphere of Westminster. 
Every single alternative to May’s deal, from a second referendum to membership of the single market, was rejected on Wednesday in a series of indicative votes. 
Our country is no nearer to leaving now than it was in 2016 (Image: Getty Images)
The MPs have turned out to be the “abominable no men”, knowing only what they don’t want. Some argue the only way forward is another General Election, but that is no answer.
Such a step is likely either to lead to another hung Parliament or Jeremy Corbyn in power, which would finish off both Brexit and the United Kingdom. 
The realistic solution is the obvious one: for MPs to come together and back the Government’s Withdrawal Agreement, whatever its flaws. 
Given all other options have been excluded by Parliament, that is the sole chance of beginning the journey back to national freedom.