Tuesday 26 March 2019

Brexit Meltdown: Just 7% of voters think Theresa May has handled Brexit well

A new poll has revealed that more than four in five voters ( 81%) think the UK government is handling Britain’s exit form the EU badly, with those who voted Leave almost as likely to think that as Remain voters.

by News Reporter - 26 March 2019

The UK government’s Brexit proposals came under heavy fire today after a new opinion poll revealed that only 7% of people think the UK government is handling it well. Among Remain voters, 85% think it’s been handled badly compared with 80% of Leave voters.
While only 8% say the are a ‘very strong’ supporter of a political party up to 40% identify as ‘very strong’ Remainers or Leavers. Eighty-five percent of ‘very strong Remainers’ think that Britain’s economy will be worse off as a result of Brexit while 71% of ‘very strong Leavers’ believe it will be better off.
Professor John Curtice said: “The longer the Brexit process has gone on, the more critical and pessimistic voters have become. This trend is in evidence, above all, among those who voted in June 2016 to Leave the EU. Indeed, Leave voters have emerged from the process almost as critical of its handling and of the outcome as those who voted to Remain.”
Amine Chaieb, Head of Financial Investments at Spearvest said, “Brexit uncertainty has clearly had a demoralising effect on the financial services sector, but it is just a symptom of more serious issues that the British economy is facing. The fear of a no-deal Brexit discourages business investment which is projected to witness the biggest decline since the 2009 Financial Crash.
He continued, “While the household sector has been resilient, the fact that mortgage approvals hit the lowest level since 2013 is also a sign that weak sentiment is spreading. The only way out of this negative spiral is urgent and decisive government action for a credible Brexit plan”
