Tuesday 19 March 2019

'Brexit Destroyer': How the front pages reacted to Bercow's intervention

John Bercow thwarted the chance of another Commons vote on the Prime Minister’s deal before Thursday’s EU summit, ruling she could not bring her EU Withdrawal Agreement back before MPs unless it was substantially different from the package that was defeated last week.

The Daily Mail’s headline read: “Smirk that says: Brexit be damned.”
It attacks the Speaker for what it calls “anti-Brexit prejudice”, and says losing the chance to back Mrs May’s deal would be “a perversion of our democracy”.
The Daily Express takes a similarly firm stance, running with the headline “The Brexit Destroyer” on its front page.
Britain’s leading paper The Sun also criticises Mr Bercow for the ruling, and says a third vote is “arguably in the public interest”.
Meanwhile, The Times says the Government’s Brexit strategy was further blown apart by Mr Bercow’s announcement.
It suggests Mr Bercow had “succeeded in doing something that has until now proved impossible: he has managed to unite both sides of the Brexit divide”.
“More drama lies ahead”, warns the Daily Telegraph, as it says Mr Bercow’s intervention gave the Brexit plot “yet another twist”.
“As things stand, though, Mrs May’s deal is effectively dead and the UK is leaving the EU next week,” it adds.

<p>Bercow’s hammer blow for May’s Brexit deal – The Independent said Theresa May’s plan was now in ‘tatters’ and that she was ‘left stunned by the announcement’. </p>

The Independent

Bercow’s hammer blow for May’s Brexit deal – The Independent said Theresa May’s plan was now in ‘tatters’ and that she was ‘left stunned by the announcement’.

<p>Brexit chaos as Speaker stops May in her tracks – The Guardian called Bercow’s move a ‘surprise intervention’, and warned that the UK could spend over £100 million if it had a longer extention to Brexit. </p>

The Guardian

Brexit chaos as Speaker stops May in her tracks – The Guardian called Bercow’s move a ‘surprise intervention’, and warned that the UK could spend over £100 million if it had a longer extention to Brexit.

<p>400-year-old rule bloks Brexit vote 3 – The PM’s spokesman revealed that she was caught on the hop, saying: “The Speaker didn’t give forewarning as to the content of his statement, or indeed the fact that he was making one.” </p>

The Metro

400-year-old rule bloks Brexit vote 3 – The PM’s spokesman revealed that she was caught on the hop, saying: “The Speaker didn’t give forewarning as to the content of his statement, or indeed the fact that he was making one.”

<p>B*ll*cks to Bercow – the headline pays homage to Bercow’s wife who had a ‘B*ll*cks to Brexit’ sticker on her car. </p>

The Sun

B*ll*cks to Bercow – the headline pays homage to Bercow’s wife who had a ‘B*ll*cks to Brexit’ sticker on her car.

<p>Smirk that says: Brexit be damned – The Daily Mail called Bercow ‘the twitchy windbag’ and likened him to a ‘naughty toddler in a high chair’. </p>

The Daily Mail

Smirk that says: Brexit be damned – The Daily Mail called Bercow ‘the twitchy windbag’ and likened him to a ‘naughty toddler in a high chair’.

<p>‘A major constitutional crisis’ – The Daily Telegraph reminded readers that Mr Bercow was a Remain voter and he invoked a convention that was last used 99 years ago. </p>

The Daily Telegraph

‘A major constitutional crisis’ – The Daily Telegraph reminded readers that Mr Bercow was a Remain voter and he invoked a convention that was last used 99 years ago.

<p>The Brexit destroyer – The Daily Express says that Whitehall insiders ‘accused Mr Bercow of attempting to force the Prime Minister into seeking a lengthy Brexit delay’. </p>

The Daily Express

The Brexit destroyer – The Daily Express says that Whitehall insiders ‘accused Mr Bercow of attempting to force the Prime Minister into seeking a lengthy Brexit delay’.

<p>Bercow is sabotaging Brexit deal, says No 10 – The paper’s leader adds: “The best option is for parliament to back Mrs May’s deal in a vote next week. </p>

The Times

Bercow is sabotaging Brexit deal, says No 10 – The paper’s leader adds: “The best option is for parliament to back Mrs May’s deal in a vote next week.
