Tuesday 26 March 2019

‘MPs take control of Brexit’: How the newspapers’ front pages see Theresa May’s Commons defeat

The front pages of Britain’s newspapers on Tuesday say MPs have seized back control of the Brexit processfollowing a dramatic night in Parliament.
Yahoo News UK

<p>The Times said Theresa May was “humiliated”. </p>
On Monday evening, MPs seized control of the Brexit agenda, three pro-EU ministers quit the government and prime minister Theresa May acknowledged that she still did not have enough support for her deal to justify a third “meaningful vote”.
MPs voted by 329 votes to 302 to take control of Commons business in an unprecedented move to try to find a majority for any Brexit option, setting up a series of votes on Wednesday to find out what kind of Brexit has most support among MPs.
With speculation of an impending general election, and questions over Mrs May’s future as prime minister, the papers have plenty to consider.
The Times warns that the country is “sliding towards further stalemate” as Mrs May struggles to keep hold of power.
Its front page says the prime minister was “humiliated” as MPs backed a plan to hold votes on alternatives to her deal, while its leader says she remains prime minister “in name only”.
“Yet parliament’s attempt to take control could yet plunge the country into even deeper crisis,” it cautions.
“The reality is that unless parliament votes to accept Mrs May’s deal this week, parliament and the government are likely to face a stalemate,” it adds.
<p>The Daily Telegraph said Theresa May had been left “powerless”. </p>
The Daily Telegraph’s front page suggests Mrs May has been left “powerless” by the outcome of the Commons vote, describing it as “a plot to seize agenda on deciding path for Brexit”.
In its leader, the paper criticises the prime minister for the fact Brexit will not be happening on Friday, calling it a “monumental failure of the political process”.
Reflecting on the confusion over how things may now unfold, it writes: “We may be leaving without a deal on May 21; more likely we will be staying in for longer.
“Possibly, we will not be leaving at all. We just don’t know because the Government has lost control of matters.”
The Daily Mail warns that MPs seizing control of the Brexit agenda will only see the divorce deal get softer – and describes the possibility of a general election as an “equally unappealing alternative”.
“For the Brexiteers, the ship is finally sailing,” it adds. “If they don’t get on board, they risk losing the deal, the Government and their country. It could not be more imperative that they come to their senses.”
Meanwhile, The Sun’s front page suggests Mrs May has hinted at quitting in exchange for MPs passing her deal.
Inside, the paper stresses that her deal “cannot be abandoned”, calling it “the only exit door”.
“All MPs face a simple choice: Honour the referendum, or unleash chaos. Stop pretending. Pick one,” it urges.
The Metro takes a more light-hearted approach to the latest developments, running with the headline: “Stuck in the muddle with EU”.
And the Daily Express takes a stronger stance, saying the prime minister has been warned that Remainer MPs have “stolen what’s left of Brexit”.

The Financial Times says the Commons has seized control.

The i says the Commons has taken control of Brexit.

<p>The Guardian says Theresa May is battling for control of Brexit. </p>
<p>The Metro goes with “Stuck in the muddle with EU” on its front page. </p>
<p>The Daily Express says MPs have “stolen” Brexit. </p>

The Daily Mail speculates that another general election looms.

The Sun reports that Theresa May could resign if Brexiteers back her deal.

The Daily Mirror calls Theresa May “clueless”.
