Thursday 23 June 2016

Cameron red-faced after German official says Brussels WILL trade with Britain after Brexit

DAVID Cameron and George Osborne’s economic scaremongering over Britain’s potential exit from the European Union has been laughed off by a senior German official.

cameron and osborne
A German officials has rubbished claims made by Cameron and Osborne
Markus Kerber, head of the BDI group which represents industry in Germany, said it would be “very, very foolish” for the EU to force post-Brexit Britain to pay tariffs.
This comes despite the Prime Minster and Chancellor’s relentless insistence that leaving the bloc will damage Britain’s trade prospects with other EU countries.
Mr Kerber said: “Imposing trade barriers, imposing protectionist measures between our two countries or between the two political centres, the EU on the one hand and the UK on the other, would be a very, very foolish thing in the 21st Century.
“The BDI would urge politicians on both sides to come up with a trade regime that enables us to uphold and maintain the levels of trade we have.”
Boris Johnson agreed with the dismissal and claimed EU countries would be “desperate” to trade with Britain if it severs ties with Brussels.
He said: “After the incessant doom-mongering of the In campaign, we now hear the truth from the ‘voice of German industry’, they would be desperate for free trade after we vote Leave.
“They would be damaging their own commercial interests if they didn’t.
“That’s why EU politicians would be banging down the door for a trade deal on Friday.”
boris johnson
Boris Johnson says EU countries would be 'desperate' to trade with Britain
Former cabinet minister and longtime Eurosceptic MP John Redwood has also joined in with claims that Cameron and Osborne are misleading the British public.
He said: “They know they sell twice as many goods to us as we do to them. Who is going to want to wreck that?”
President Erdogan wants Turkey to become an EU member
David Cameron has repeatedly been called out for claims he has made during the campaign.
Leave supporters have questioned his Cameron’s insistence that Turkey will not become an EU member, despite it being Government policy for them to join.