Friday 24 June 2016

EU referendum result: Britain's place in NATO will 'remain unchanged'

NATO's Secretary General has said Britain's place in the US-led alliance "will remain unchanged" despite voters deciding to leave the EU.

Jens Stoltenberg
Jens Stoltenberg has maintained that Britain’s place in NATO will “remain unchanged”
NATO is deepening its ties with the EU and had urged Britain to stay in the bloc. 
Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance will continue to seek closer cooperation with the member states.
He said: "I know that the United Kingdom's position in NATO will remain unchanged. 
"The UK will remain a strong and committed NATO Ally, and will continue to play its leading role in our alliance."
This morning saw David Cameron announce his resignation as Prime Minister following the historic referendum result.
David Cameron
David Cameron has announced he will resign in the face of his EU referendum defeat
He signalled his intention to stand down before the Conservative Party conference in October, but promised to stay in post with his Cabinet until a new Tory leader was chosen.
Leave officially passed the winning mark just after six o'clock this morning as voters demanded the UK untangle itself from the 28-country bloc.
At 7.25am the official result declared Britain had voted for Brexit by 51.9 per cent to 48.1 per cent.
Boris Johnson
Boris led the Leave campaign which amassed 17,410,742 votes
Overall, with all votes now counted, 17,410,742 Britons voted to quit the EU with 16,141,241 voting to Remain. 
The Electoral Commission said 72.2 per cent of UK voters had attended polling stations on Thursday to take the momentous decision.