Saturday 25 June 2016

Germany, USA and Canada ALL say they want special trade deals with post-Brexit Britain

GERMANY has joined the United States and Canada in reaching out to Britain to stress the importance of trade deals with the UK outside of the European Union (EU).

barack obama
President Obama said Britain is an iindispensable partner
It comes despite constant scaremongering from the Remain campaign in the run up to the referendum the UK would face a tough foreign deals if it quits the bloc.
President Barack Obama yesterday said the UK and EU will remain "indispensable partners" of the United States following the Brexit vote.
The US leader added that the "special relationship" between the Britain and Washington will continue into the future.
It marks a backtrack for the president who previously warned the UK would be at the "back of the queue" for a trade deal in the event of Brexit.
President Obama said: "The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision.
"The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom's membership in Nato remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security and economic policy.
"So too is our relationship with the European Union, which has done so much to promote stability, stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond.

"The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship to ensure continued stability, security and prosperity for Europe, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the world."
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau echoed the sentiment from President Obama in a statement yesterday.
He said: "The UK and the EU are important strategic partners for Canada with whom we enjoy deep historical ties and common values.
"We will continue to build relations with both parties as they forge a new relationship.
"Canada's connections to our partners around the world are among its greatest assets, and these relationships contribute greatly to the prosperity of all Canadians."
Even Euro giant Germany said in a government paper it recommended making the UK an "associated partner country" following Brexit.
The World Trade Organisation also said it was prepared to help Britain after the vote to leave the bloc.
WTO director-general Roberto Azevedo said: "The WTO stands ready to work with the UK and the EU to assist them in any way we can."
Germany is worried that France, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Hungary could also seek to leave the European Union after Britain's vote to quit the bloc, German newspaper Die Welt said on Friday, citing a finance ministry strategy paper.
The strategy paper recommended Germany, in coordination with the EU, offers Britain "constructive exit negotiations" aimed at making the UK an "associated partner country," the newspaper reported.
It estimated Germany's contribution to the annual EU budget could rise by 3billion euros once Britain exited the group.


2 hours ago
What happened to the end of the World. Is it postponed or are we still on for World War 3 and the rest. What an about face. Any one else think we were lied to by everyone?  800,000 cars must be worth something after all.  Losing your only fighting allies also. 
3 hours ago
They've changed their tunes.   I thought we were at the back of the queue.
3 hours ago
Of course, no country will stop trading with the UK when they leave the EU. BUT under different circumstances, NOT being in the EU means NOT to take benefits from free-trade-agreements, etc.....This decision is short-minded, throwback to the 70ies, focused on an now getting isolated island, just parochial views,......

4 hours ago
caribbean critic
Not an unexpected outcome now that we are free of EU tariffs and trade barriers. With the pound down there is an overnight rise in our competitive trading position. come on British industry send out the salesmen take advantage of this opportunity. I wonder how quickly Germany will move its Mercedes and BMW factories here?