Wednesday 22 June 2016

Why EU Remain is the riskier option

The EU has learnt nothing from the terrible mistakes of the past, which continue to haunt us in the present. If Britain votes to stay in, moves, already being planned, for a superstate will be relentless. The best option for Britain is to vote to leave


John Redwood MP
On 22 June 2016 19:07

During the campaign there has been a deafening silence from Remain over the EU changes planned on the continent once the referendum is out of the way.
Remain never seems proud of the unifying impulses of the EU, and spends its time in denial about the substantial moves to full economic, monetary, banking and political union which the EU institutions and many continental governments seek.
The European Peoples party Manifesto is a good starting point. This grouping of the main centre-right parties of the EU, which the Conservatives under Mr Cameron left as it is federalist, states: “We want a European political union.”
They envisage pan European elections with, “a direct election by the people of a President of the European Commission”. They see the Euro and free movement of people as two central pillars of their new Europe. They seek a common defence, and majority voting to form a single foreign policy view.
Meanwhile at the practical day to day level the EU Commission is currently hammering out a more integrationist agenda. In full knowledge of the UK’s wish to have more flexibility on VAT, and written after the so called UK/EU deal, EU comment on the latest VAT Action Plan says:
“Any such uncoordinated stand alone measures (different rates etc) would shift the focus from the overriding objective of putting in place a definitive regime at the first available opportunity. It would create additional distortions within the single market and thereby also increase opportunities for fraud.”
So even in the crucial area of taxation where the UK government implied it had won new freedoms for us to tax as we wish, the EU is already planning detailed legislation to centralise and to limit such freedoms.
Mr. Redwood's writing is re-posted here by his kind permission. This and other articles are available at


The Remain vote is the traitor's vote. Giving the sovereignty of your country to rule by foreigners is the definition of a traitor, is it not?