Tuesday 21 June 2016

'Brexit EARTHQUAKE': EU fatcats' fears as Swedish MEP suggests 'UK-Nordic trading bloc'

SPECIAL REPORT: COMPLACENT politicians in Brussels once scoffed at the idea of Britain turning its back on the EU because they did not believe it would ever happen.

EU flags
Across Brussels the talk is of Brexit and the political “earthquake” of a UK vote to Leave

But as one put it last night: “They’ve stopped laughing now.” Across Brussels the talk is of Brexit and the political “earthquake” which a UK vote to Leave would cause. MEPs discussed the implications for Europe as a whole and for their countries individually, with the 750-strong European Parliament enjoying what is potentially its last weekend united with the UK. 
Swedish MEP Peter Lundgren said Denmark and Sweden were already “on the brink” of quitting, suggesting that should the UK leave, a “Nordic trading bloc” led by Britain could be born. Sweden has been sticking by its EU commitments, but barely. It’s little wonder. Sweden now has the highest level of non-EU immigration per capita. 
And while newcomers are extended free health care and a five-euro flat fee for dental care, the elderly have seen their state pensions cut and must still pay 400 euros for a new tooth. State-sponsored polls reveal a small majority for staying in the EU. Ask Swedes what they would do if Britain left, however, and it’s a different story.
In April a poll by TNS Sifo, Sweden’s biggest polling company, found more people in favour of leaving than remaining if Britain voted for Brexit. Mr Lundgren said: “I think Sweden may fall. The Netherlands has also threatened a referendum if Brexit happens. Denmark will also go for a referendum and so will the Czech Republic. 
“Britain has always been there for Europe. You made huge sacrifices to save us from Nazi dictatorship. 
“The British have a very strong sense of freedom and Brussels has messed with that. That’s the biggest lesson that will come out of a Brexit.” 
EU fatcats illustration
Mr Lundgren said Brussels was beginning to realise it had misjudged Britain
Mr Lundgren said Brussels was beginning to realise it had misjudged Britain. “They laughed when Ukip and Conservative Eurosceptics began to demand a referendum for Britain,” he said. “They’ve stopped laughing now. 
Brussels politicians laughed at the idea of a referendum. They've stopped laughing now
Swedish MEP Peter Lundgren
“They never believed it would happen and then they didn’t believe there would be a chance for Brexit to win. In their rarefied world, belonging to the EU is the only option.” 
Looking to a post-Brexit future, he suggested the 90 million people of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland and the UK would harness a combined GDP of nearly £3trillion, representing considerable clout when it comes to forming new trading deals with the EU.
“It’s an idea that has been gaining traction and one I’d like to see,” he said. “We’re similar in our culture, in our outlooks and in our economies. It’s a better fit than the EU.”
Morten Messerschmidt, a Danish MEP and member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, said: “The idea of a Nordic bloc is being spoken about. Many Danes would find it appealing if the UK, after leaving the EU, created an alternative free market-oriented organisation. It could include the Netherlands and Switzerland too. 
“Denmark is in the EU for trade but there is no ideological loyalty. A Nordic bloc would attract Danes because it takes us back to the original EEC idea. 
“The Maastricht treaty turned a commerce-oriented operation into an ideological operation with ever-closer union. It became an entity by itself. It’s a shame it needs a political earthquake to shake Brussels but it’s not Britain that’s wrong, it’s Brussels.” 
Mr Lundgren added: “Brussels still doesn’t understand the problem, which is that it’s ruled by elite politicians, who are very well paid and enjoy luxury lives on EU money. 
Vote Leave supporter
Brussels sources warned British MEPs they may have their “wings clipped” in the European Parliament
“I was surprised to see the VIP queues in bars, where MEPs are treated like royalty, and the driver service in the basement, where 60 shiny black Mercedes are ready to take you wherever you want to go for free. This isn’t what the European project was about.” 
Earlier this month a report by the think tank New Direction called for the EU’s budget to be cut by 10 per cent, citing excesses such as the House of Europe museum which will cost £44.5million to build and a further £9million a year to run, as well as so-called EU information offices around the world, which cost £30million a year. As referendum day draws nearer, the mood in the Belgian capital is tense. Senior Brussels sources have warned British MEPs they may soon have their “wings clipped” in the European Parliament. 
“It would not be agreeable if, after a vote to leave, British MEPs retained their right to influence legislation which may only become active in two years’ time,” said a source last night. British MEPs reacted angrily to the news. 
One said: “Britain will still be paying its dues. If you give a month’s notice to quit your gym membership you expect to be allowed to use that gym for the next four weeks.”