Wednesday 1 June 2016

The Islamic future of Britain

Britain is in denial. If population trends continue, by the year 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim nation

Vincent Cooper
On 13 June 2013 07:33

The future of Britain?
Britain is in denial. There is no real public debate on a historic event that is transforming the country. Mention of it occasionally surfaces in the media, but the mainstream political class never openly discuss it.
What is that historic event? By the year 2050, in a mere 37 years, Britain will be a majority Muslim nation.
This projection is based on reasonably good data. Between 2004 and 2008, the Muslim population of the UK grew at an annual rate of 6.7 percent, making Muslims 4 percent of the population in 2008. Extrapolating from those figures would mean that the Muslim population in 2020 would be 8 percent, 15 percent in 2030, 28 percent in 2040 and finally, in 2050, the Muslim population of the UK would exceed 50 percent of the total population.
Contrast those Muslim birth rates with the non-replacement birth rates of native Europeans, the so called deathbed demography of Europe. For a society to remain the same size, the average female has to have 2.1 children (total fertility rate). For some time now, all European countries, including Britain, have been well below that rate. The exception is Muslim Albania. For native Europeans, it seems, the consumer culture has replaced having children as life’s main goal.
These startling demographic facts have been available for some time (see ‘Muslim Population “Rising 10 Times Faster than Rest of Society”’, The Times, 30 January 2009. Also the work of the Oxford demographer David Coleman). But on this historic transformation of the country there is silence from the political establishment.
Not everyone agrees with these demographic figures. Population projection, some say, is not an exact science. Perhaps the Muslim birth rate will drop to European levels.
But this seems to be wishful thinking. For years it was believed that Muslims would enter what is known as “demographic transition”, with European Muslim birth rates falling to native European levels. But that demographic transition has not happened. In Britain, for example, the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities continue to have significantly higher birth rates than the national average, even after more than 50 years in the country.
Over the short term (a few generations) demographic forecasting is as scientific as any social science can be. Britain and the rest of Europe are in native population decline and European Muslim birth rates are up. If that trend continues, then the projection of a majority Muslim population in Britain is sound. Even the highly respected economist and historian Niall Ferguson accepts the figures.  
Many British people find it hard to believe their country could become majority Muslim. After all, it was never what they wanted so why, in a democracy, should it be happening? But we’ve had such disbelief before. Back in the 60s and 70s, many people scoffed at the notion that London could ever be majority non-white. But today it is.
The fact is that the deathbed demography of native Britons has come up against increasing Muslim birth rates and the result is a classic Malthusian geometric increase in the Muslim population. As Malthus emphasised, populations increase geometrically, not arithmetically. Given two populations, one declining one increasing, within a few generations the geometric increase of one over the other can be substantial.    
Why has the Muslim birth rate not fallen to native levels? Just as there may be consumerist-cultural reasons for the low birth rates of native Britons, there may be strong cultural reasons for higher Muslim birth rates. As the journalist Christopher Caldwell puts it: “Muslim culture is full of messages laying out the practical advantages of procreation. As the hadith saying has it: ‘Marry, for I will outnumber peoples by you.’”
Yassir Arafat understood the political power of high birth rates. The Palestinian population increased sevenfold in one generation from 450,000 in 1967 to 3.3 million in 2002. The wombs of Palestinian women, Arafat said, were the “secret weapon” in his cause. The Israeli government is very much aware of Palestinian demographics.
Population projections over the long term can be wrong. But for Britain, over the short term, whatever way you do the numbers, they all point in one direction: Britain will be a majority Muslim state by the year 2050.
The political and social consequences of all this will be significant. Britain’s traditional foreign policy, particularly regarding the US and Israel, would very likely change. In fact the US and Israel are already anticipating the consequences of a majority Muslim Western Europe.
Britain’s social landscape would also be changed. The Adhan, the Muslim call to prayer, would very likely be heard throughout most of Britain. The traditional iconic sights and sounds of the country would also change from church bell-towers to minarets.
Very likely all of this would happen gradually but there can be little doubt that it will happen, and it would be perfectly democratic.
Given that such a historic change is taking place, the silence of the political class is curious, to say the least. Britain, until the 1950s, could trace its ethnic and cultural ancestry back thousands of years. In 1903, in Cheddar Gorge Somerset, the remains of a pre-historic man were found. Known as Cheddar Man, DNA tests on this almost 9000 years old skeleton showed that he has living descendents today, still in Somerset.
In fact, genetic studies show that the populations of the British Isles (and Western Europe) have been stable for millennia, giving the lie to the oft quoted liberal comment that “Britain has always been a country of immigrants.” That’s false. Until the mass immigration of the 1950s, Britain was ethnically homogeneous. (See Bryan Sykes’s Blood of the Isles.)
The long stretch of Britain’s exclusively European identity is now coming to an end, yet the political class refuse publicly to discuss such a culturally transforming event. Why the silence from the politicians? Are they not proud of their achievement?
The answer is that the demographic projections of a majority Muslim Britain show the British political class to have been catastrophically wrong on multiculturalism and immigration, and they are genuinely afraid to admit it. The British political establishment cannot give the full truth about immigration.
The former Conservative MP George Walden, considering the fears of his fellow MPs in discussing particularly Muslim immigration, wrote:
“I’d be so alarmed by the situation I’d do everything possible to suggest it was under control. It’s up to politicians to play mood music in a crisis, and up to the people to understand that there’s little else governments can do. The last thing they can say is that we face a threat to which we can see no end because it’s based on a clash of cultures. On the IRA we told the truth; on the Islamic problem, we lie.” (Walden, Time to Emigrate? p.120)   
Back in the 60s and 70s, the British political establishment united in condemning Enoch Powell, not just as a racist but as being factually incorrect in his demographic predictions. Since then, the subject of immigration has split British politics between the truth-denying, but morally superior, political mainstream and the truth-telling legacy of the bogeyman Enoch Powell.
For good or bad, the history of the last 40 years has vindicated Powell on many issues and shown the political establishment to have been wrong. Some major figures on the liberal-left now acknowledge this fact.
David Goodhart, the founder of Prospect magazine, in his new book The British Dream, argues convincingly that he and others on the liberal-left got it wrong on immigration.
But they also got it wrong on democracy. The projection of a Muslim majority by the year 2050, coupled with the fact that the vast majority of the British people have consistently opposed large-scale immigration, post-war British politics must represent the greatest ever failure in democracy. If ever the “Iron Law of Oligarchy” were proved right, then it is post-war British politics that has done it.
Vincent Cooper is a freelance writer with a particular interest in philosophy, mathematics, and economics
Read more on: Britain as a Muslim majority countryislam in Britainniall fergusonVincent Cooper,Christopher Caldwell, and Enoch Powell

  • the 2011 Census the government performed a sleight of hand, which allowed muslims to conceal just how many of them there are in Britain. Dr. Moosavi points out that the government introduced a new category in the 2011 Census: those who refuse to disclose their religion. And he contends that most of those 7% are muslims. Recording religious affiliations has always been a fundamental feature of the Census in Britain. Suddenly our government decided that it no longer cared about finding out that information. The same government that has had zero success at persuading muslims to reject terrorism in the name of islam.
    The upshot of this is that muslims are somewhere between 5% and 12% of the British population. Considering that in 2006, 11% of all meat in Britain was halal, and in 2009, 13% of the prison population were muslims, I think that Dr. Moosavi's analysis is very likely correct.
    The time at which muslims are sufficiently numerous to elect a muslim government in Britain will happen within 30 years. And as the experience of Bradford, Tower Hamlets and Redbridge show, they are perfectly capable of pulling together to ignore our LibLabCon system and electing a muslim in preference for the candidate LibLabCon put forward.

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        For years it was believed that Muslims would enter what is known as “demographic transition”, with European Muslim birth rates falling to native European levels. But that demographic transition has not happened. In Britain, for example, the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities continue to have significantly higher birth rates than the national average, even after more than 50 years in the country.
        Pakistani and Bangladeshi birth rates have dropped dramatically in the past 37 years. In 1976 it was 6.61 births per woman in Pakistan and 6.77 in Bangladesh. As of 2011 it has fallen to 3.34 and 2.20 respectively. If the author wants to play the linear extrapolation game, linear extrapolation of Bangladeshi and Pakistani fertility rates implies that they'll be having no children at all before another 37 years have passed. That's ridiculous, but no more so than the author's own extrapolation.
        If we look beyond Pakistan and Bangladesh at other Muslim-majority nations, the World Bank reports that Iran, Turkey, Brunei, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and
        Albania all have below-replacement fertility (total fertility rate below 2.1). Wasn't Albania supposed to be the fecund Muslim exception to below-replacement fertility in Europe? Ireland, Norway, Sweden, France, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, and Belgium all have higher fertility rates than Albania. I suppose they must all have a larger proportion of Muslims than Albania's 58% too.

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            European countries are disfunctional
            right now and the causes of this decay are obvious. The remedies
            easy, but we have laws and regulations, treaties and conventions that
            make solutions difficult.
            I am a nationalist not because I
            believe in nationalism but because as I see things, to take England
            as an example: the unifying force of being able to identify yourself
            as English gave a sense of purpose and inspired a will to work for
            the wellbeing of the nation.
            Now England, Britain is celebrated as a
            multicultural, multinational multiethnic country. No longer a Nation,
            no longer unified, in total disarray and riddled with social and
            ethnic, racial conflict. None of which existed before.
            We are told that we never really
            existed, we English, (something that is patently a falsehood).
            We English are related and united by; a
            common descent, language and history; a culture that is ours and
            noone elses.
            If I was to believe in something it
            would be this, the benefits of being and of belonging to a Nation.
            The One World philosophy is going to
            have to wait for better weather.

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                Why should we have to be suffering this? The whole purpose and duty of a government is to protect the welfare of its citizens, not to expose them to damage and danger.
                Deport, deport and then deport some more of those that do not have the birthright to be here.

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                    And here everybody thought Enoch Powell was warning the public only about Caribbeans. His field of expertise was much more the East Indian than West Indian population anyway.

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                        Sjygoe, LOL!!! What a typical example of a Turkey gobbling excitedly looking forward to Christmas you are. What threat you say? Well I'm guessing your not a woman, so not unduly worried about your civil liberties, how unselfish of you. So, here's a question for you - tell me of a Islamic country, or Muslim majority country that is a glowing example to free speech and liberty and one that you would gladly live in or want the UK to be more like? Go for it...

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                            Watch this video and make up your own mind:

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                              Not sure that Auntie Beeb can be trusted to tell the unvarnished truth any more in the way that it used to, half a century ago or more.
                              They cant even tell the truth about the middle east, Israel, Palestine, etc as it is now, let alone about something like this. Draw comfort from it if you wish.
                              The day I believe a word that comes out of Auntie's metropolitan liberal establishment gob is probably the day I die.

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                              There will come a day when "born here" will not give you the same rights as it does now. In fact the Irish have already introduced 'bloodlaws' as so many heavilly pregnant woman were flying in (mainly from Africa) expecting citizenship for her soon to be born child and her. There are already in place 'volentary repatriation' programmes where people can return to their country of origin, even after many years here, and be finanicially incentifised to do so. This is not only one way where conflict and civil unrest can be avoided in the future, but is also of great benefit for the country of origin itself, as they will in the main be recieving well educated, English speaking, bi-lingual people, who can contribute to their societies. Whether a day comes when these programmes are forced or compulsary, we can only guess, much like what the alternitives would be...

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                                what an awful article. So what? Until someone can prove to me that their is something inherently dangerous with an increase in the Muslim population then why should I care? You spent half the article waffling, then only offered two potential side effects. The First relies on the offensive conjecture that all Muslims share the same opinions and therefore will radically effect our foreign policy, while the second relies on some fetishistic love for church bells. If you are really scared about a muslim core ruling our country, then work on improving social mobility, stopping the ghettoisation of immigrant communities and (by extension) the blending of the Muslim communities and wider society. The demonisation shown by articles such as this only engender extremism and hate in both Muslim communities and wider society.

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                                    All the usual left wing troll-a-thon garbage. We dont compel people to live in ghetto's in the UK for gods sake. Migrant communities both in the UK and Europe, even when Brits and others live and work abroad tend to coalesce in ex pat communities amongst their own. It doesnt always happen, but it often does. That doesnt mean they are being ghettoised, ffs.
                                    So what?
                                    People like you are amongst the reasons why what is predicated in the article will come true. I sincerely hope you're alive to see it when it happens and that you will personally rejoice in it. I'm sure you will. You're welcome to it.

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                                      To an outsider like me all I ask is that you get rid of your nuclear weapons and submarines before that. The rest of the war industry will fall apart on its own under sharia so I don't really care about that. But the nukes are a big deal. In fact the UK should work out a deal with the US and Russia to sell them back now.

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                                        Q46, what twaddle! How many Muslims do you know that have "secularised" after 60 years of being here? How many Muslims do you know that have "intermarried" without demanding conversion of their spouse? How many Muslims do you in fact know, consider friends? I don't know any as friends, and certainly not that have truely assimilated into our society. If you don't truely know any, yet you have friends from other backgrounds, ask yourself the question, as I have done, why? Do you think it might be that they don't actually want to know us? I do! They are and always have been, and always will be a seperate society within oour society. There is hardly any sign of cultural assimilation, even by the youngest generations. This is the truth, and there are many studies to prove it, even if your eyes deny it.

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                                            I know and work with a reasonable amount and would consider them acquaintances who I get on well with... but not aware of any marrying outside of their community in all honesty. I dont doubt that there are some, but not I would venture in significant enough numbers to have the "diluting" effect that you're suggesting. Happy to be proved wrong though, but I somehow doubt it.

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                                                If all this is true why are the English and the rest of the Europeans losing the demographic war?
                                                Please explain how English will not become a minority when they have negative birth rate (less than 2.2%) and Muslim immigrants have birth rate of 3% and more?

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                                                  Then the British will have to fight the Islamic occupation of their own land. Guess who they will come to for help? To Israel of course. We have just learned what they already have forgotten (ironically most of IDF doctrine is based in the fighting doctrines of the British army).
                                                  We have been fighting Islamic occupation of Jewish Lands for 60 years and are doing a pretty good job. Come to us if you need advice

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                                                      Write out five hundred times: Do not assume trends are straight line.
                                                      Then five hundred times: Nobody can foretell the future.
                                                      'Muslim' is a religion not a race. Many races/nationalities are Muslim. Just as Britain is neither dominated by Protestants nor Catholics, secularists in fact, it is more likely Muslims will be mostly secularised as successive generations enjoy the education, prosperity and experience their parents did not have, not least having lived beside and intermarried with a population over 90% of which is neither Muslim nor religious.
                                                      Religion has its deepest and most extensive roots among the ignorant and impoverished. The converse is true.

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                                                          How do you explain then, the third generation Pakistani Muslims who are far more pious than their forebears, and they in turn are more pious than theirs, fifty odd years after they immigrated here?

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                                                              they dont need to be straight line to end at the same point. The thrust of the article is that the date could be 2050. The fact that it has the possibility of it happening at all, let alone in the next half century ought to be enough of a wake up call, but more than likely, it will not.

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                                                                  Yes. I am sure the Byzantine Greek told themselves this same wonderful story. Today Turkey is 100% and Constantinople is called Istanbul.
                                                                  Welcome to Londonistan.
                                                                  Will the Westminster Abbey be turned into a beautiful mosque just like the Hagia Sophia?

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                                                                      "successive generations"
                                                                      But how many generations can we survive? Even Turkey isn't out of the woods yet.

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                                                                        As said below, history tells us quite clearly that there will be a day of reckoning long before this, probably like wild fire right across Europe. However the week liberal polictians seem unable to accept that this clash of cultures is on an undisputible collision course.

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                                                                            They will be the first to be hung by outraged mobs. People don't take kindly to leaders who betray them.

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                                                                                I am itching to get my hands on Blair, Brown, Straw, Blunkett, Prescott, the whole repulsive, stinking lot of them, filthy traitors, they should be made to die slowly and in pain in public. Traitors Gate should be dusted off.

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                                                                                    Im not sure the Brits have got that outraged in decades. Maybe if they had, the direction we have taken may not have led us to this point. Are they capable of ever getting that outraged, considering the effect is incremental and exponential, as opposed to a "big bang"?
                                                                                    Guess that remains to be seen. I was wondering whether the Woolwich incident was going to be the straw that broke the camels back and for 24 to 48 hours I did wonder if the tipping point was approaching.
                                                                                    Turns out I was wrong. Think it'll end up getting far far worse before it gets better.

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                                                                                        Unfortunately it will not get better. Notice how the police in the UK are transferring water cannons from Northern Island to the UK as a precaution against riots. Supposedly a result of the recent London riots. Note that armed police now patrol certain areas of Luton and the MET is discussing a positive discrimination policy to equalize the number of minority and non-minority officers. Good luck with the 'outraged protest' approach, the death spiral of 'little englanders' (Cameron's patronizing phrase not mine) and Europe is we know (knew) it is going viral
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