Wednesday 13 July 2016

David Cameron's last PMQs: 13 July 2016

UK Parliament Published on Jul 13, 2016

The Prime Minister, David Cameron, answered questions from MPs in the House of Commons on Wednesday 13 July 2016. This was his last Prime Minister's questions. 

 To find out more about this week's questions, including links to the transcript, visit: 

 Question Time in the House of Commons is an opportunity for MPs to question government ministers about matters for which they are responsible. 

 Prime Minister's Question Time, also referred to as PMQs, takes place every Wednesday that the House of Commons is sitting and gives MPs the chance to put questions to the Prime Minister. 

 In most cases, the session starts with a routine 'open question' from an MP about the Prime Minister's engagements. MPs can then ask supplementary questions on any subject, often one of current political significance. 

 Opposition MPs follow up on this or another topic, usually led by the Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn. Usually, he is the only MP allowed to come back with further questions. 

 You can follow for official news and information for the UK House of Commons Chamber

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Below are excerpts from The Spectator"

David Cameron’s final PMQs brought out the best of the House of Commons. There was a good balance of wit, wisdom, jokes and also accountability as the PM and Corbyn traded off for the final time over the despatch box. The SNP did their best to spoil the party by bringing Cameron crashing back to earth, as Angus Robertson brutally said Cameron’s legacy would only be bringing Britain to the brink of Brexit. But mostly, it was a fitting send-off for a Prime Minister who managed to compare Jeremy Corbyn to Monty Python’s ‘Black Knight’, confirmed his love of Larry the cat and said he was pleased Corbyn had taken Mary Cameron’s satorial advice on board. In an emotional sign off, Cameron had this to say:
I will watch these exchanges from the back benches. I will miss the roar of the crowd, I will miss the barbs from the opposition, but I will be willing you on. 
And when I say willingly you on, I don’t just mean willing on the new prime minister at this despatch box, or indeed just willing on the front bench defending the manifesto that I helped put together. But I mean willing all of you on, because people come here with huge passion for the issues they are about. They come here with great love for the constituencies that they represent. And also willing on this place. Because, yes, we can be pretty tough and test and challenge our leaders – perhaps more than some other countries – but that is something we should be proud of and we should keep at it, and I hope you will all keep at it, and I will will you on as you do. 
The last thing I would say is that you can achieve a lot of things in politics. You can get a lot of things done. And that in the end, the public service, the national interest, that is what it is all about. Nothing is really impossible if you put your mind to it. After all, as I once said, I was the future once.

One of Cameron’s best lines from today’s PMQs was his comparison of Jeremy Corbyn to Monty Phython’s ‘Black Knight’. It was a joke which had those on the Tory and Labour backbenches chuckling along in equal measure, even if Tom Watson didn’t crack his face.

The Prime Minister also said he wanted to put a ‘rumour to rest’. Cameron insisted that, despite rumours to the contrary, he ‘loved Larry very much’

And David Cameron also said he was pleased to see that Mary Cameron’s advice for Corbyn to ‘do up his tie’ had been taken on board. The Prime Minister went on to say Corbyn was ‘looking splendid’ – a line which brought even a hearty smile to the Labour leader’s face.