Monday 25 July 2016

Merkel’s immigration policy savaged after FOURTH killing spree

ANGELA Merkel has been accused of having “blood on her hands” for her open door migrant policy following a FOURTH terror attack in Germany in a week.

Angela Merkel has come under attack for the way she has dealt with attacks this week
The German Chancellor has been heavily criticised for being slow to react to the four horror attacks in which 15 people have been killed and scores injured in the last seven days.
The latest attack took place in Ansbach, near Nuremburg, when a Syrian asylum seeker blew himself up outside a wine bar during a music festival.
Three people were critically injured in the suicide bomber's blast and nine more injured in the horrifying attack in the city’s old town.
Germany's interior minister Joachim Herrmann said the man was carrying materials including wood and nails which could have killed many more at the wine bar at 10.30pm on Sunday.
The most recent attack follows the killing of a pregnant woman by a machete-wielding Syrian refugee in Reutlingen, near Stuttgart, on Saturday.
Two others were injured in the attack which sparked outrage over Mrs Merkel’s immigration policy.
Swathes of Germans are calling for her resignation after she actively welcomed 1.1million refugees into the country last year.
She has been blamed for fuelling the European migrant crisis by promising to welcome those who make it Germany - mostly illegally - from outside the EU.
This year there have been multiple protests against the policy after scores of women were sexually assaulted at various events across the country, which started off during New Year’s Eve celebrations in Cologne.
Calls for Mrs Merkel's resignation have ramped up this week.
On Monday a 17 year old Afghan refugee carried out a sickening axe attack on a train in Würzburg, seriously injuring five people, four who were tourists from Hong Kong.
Brutal terror group Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attack.
The country was still on high alert when 18 year old German-Iranian Ali David Sonboly shot dead nine people, mainly teens, in the centre of Munich on Friday evening.
Thousands of flowers were laid down in Munich for the nine killed by German-Iranian Ali Sonboly
Mrs Merkel took almost 24 hours to release a statement, many hours after other world leaders and politicians did, including French President Francois Hollande, British foreign secretary Boris Johnson and US President Barack Obama.
And just two days later, Germans have had to face further terror after the Syrian refugee slaughtered a pregnant clearer working in a kebab shop.
On Sunday evening, Munich Police arrested a 16 year old Afghan friend of Sonboly on suspicion of helping him plan Friday's attack.

Mike Hookem, UKIP’s defence spokesman, has warned over the past two years of the “huge security risks” posed by the German Chancellor’s open door migrant policy.
Following the brutal slaughter of the pregnant woman in Reutlingen and the week’s two other attacks he said she “has blood on her hands”.
The MEP accused Mrs Merkel of ignoring the “direct threats from ISIS” last summer when they said they would “flood” Europe with jihadi fighters.
A Syrian refugee was arrested after using a machete to kill a pregnant woman
He said: “And here we have another devastating attack in Germany with the perpetrator a Syrian migrant.
"Once these people have German passports they can travel to all the other countries in the EU so Merkel has not only created a problem for Germany but for other EU countries too - and it's impossible to put the cork back in the bottle. 
"Mrs Merkel, meanwhile, appears to be in hiding.
"Even though the German authorities are still insisting that this is nothing to do with terrorism, we have someone who has come into Germany from Syria and killed innocent people, continuing this summer of slaughter.
"As I see it, her and her ministers and advisors as well as the dangerous idiots in the European Commission have put people's lives at risk and in some terrible cases, cost lives."
There have been numerous protests this year after women were sexually assaulted by migrants at event
Chancellor Merkel's ruling party suffered widespread losses to the anti-immigrant Alternative für Deutschland in this year's local elections.
And as the nation gets set to go to vote in the national federal elections next year, polls are suggesting she could be ousted. 
Social media users this week have been flooding Twitter with calls for her resignation as they hold her responsible for the three atrocities in seven days.
User @HillBuzz aka Kevin DuJan said: "What will it take for Angela Merkel to resign from office? German people need to wake up she is responsible for all of this."
J Mäntyvaara added: "Angela Merkel must leave after this because she is dangerous for whole Europe."
Reacting to the shooting in Munich, many users rounded in on the German Chancellor.
@InfoConor said: "Only surprise about #MunichShooting is that it took this long before it happened. Still happy with last years decision Angela Merkel???"
And @steveOc7 added: "Another terrorist attack in Europe. RIP to those that died in #MunichShooting. 
“#AngelaMerkel has a lot of blood on her hands."
Some of Mrs Merkel’s colleagues appear to be more tuned in to the serious threat.

Earlier this week Germany’s interior minister warned of the “serious” threat from lone wolf attacks in the country and across Europe, telling the public to expect further attacks.
The stark assessment of Germany’s security situation follows a warning from the French Prime Minster that his country should "learn to live with the threat” from Islamist extremists.
Speaking in Berlin, Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said the Afghan refugee who attacked train passengers with an axe in the southern state of Bavaria was now thought be from Pakistan. 
Responding to the incident the senior German cabinet minster said similar attacks were highly likely.
Alan Mendoza, executive director of the Henry Jackson Society (HJS), said the German train attack "illustrates the reality that some ISIS sympathisers will have slipped through European borders".
The London-based think tank said around two per cent of Germany's population arrived last year, making it "impossible in practice for European security services to screen new arrivals with thoroughness sufficient to preclude the possibility of attacks”.