Thursday 21 July 2016

'Dexit, Nexit and Sexit' Farage predicts astonishing collapse of the EU

NIGEL FARAGE has warned there will be a major break up of the EU – predicting Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden are all heading for their own referendums following Brexit.

The Ukip leader, who announced his resignation as party leader earlier this month, claimed other countries' attitudes are "very, very similar" to the UK’s about being ruled by Brussels.
Speaking at the Republican National Convention in Ohio, Mr Farage said a "European Democrat" movement was forming because people are sick of "surrendering" their democratic rights to the EU.
He said: "Brexit re-engaged people, people in Britain are talking about politics again.
"Whether that is a temporary phenomenon, because it was just there for this vote, whether it is going to have some lasting consequences, I think that will be very difficult to say.
Nigel FarageGETTY · BND
Nigel Farage labels the European-wide independence movement the "European Democrats"
The idea that you should surrender your rights to a set of institutions in Brussels is absolutely crazy
Nigel Farage
"But right across the European continent there are countries whose attitudes towards being governed by Brussels are very, very similar to the British.
"I do think that we are going to see more referendums.”
Mr Farage used his speech at the Cleveland convention announce that he would be
Asked what he would like to name the pan-European movement he envisages, Mr Farage said: "Well European Democrats, people who want to live in democratic nation states that trade together, cooperate together.
"I want to be good next door neighbours, there are lots and lots of things where we need to cooperate, we're living in the same time zone, there are lots of things we need to do.
"But the idea that you should surrender your democratic rights to a set of institutions in Brussels is absolutely crazy.
"I think there’ll be big pressure for a referendum in Demark, so we could get Dexit.
"I think there’s a chance of a referendum in the Netherlands, so we could get Nexit and if it's Sweden, it could be Sexit."