Thursday 14 July 2016

May's first test. Hit EU bigots like Tusk hard, real hard

Hard-line neo-authoritarian Donald Tusk, European Council President, has said he wants to punish Britain for having the temerity to vote to leave the EU. Let's fight back. Ban this bigot, and demand his dismissal now

the commentator
On 14 July 2016 01:44

Ban this anti-democratic bigot from the UK

Barely a cigarette paper between his and Vladimir Putin's way of looking at the world, hard-line neo-authoritarian Donald Tusk, European Council President, has said he wants to punish Britain for having the temerity to vote to leave the EU.
Here, from Reuters:
"No one should be seething [sic] with desire [sic] to punish [sic], humiliate [sic] (the British) for what they have done to us [sic]," Tusk, who chairs meetings of EU heads of state, told Polish weekly Polityka in an interview published on Wednesday.
"But if leaving the 28-country bloc was to become an attractive model of improving a country's standing, then other countries would also consider doing so.
"We cannot [sic] push them away from us, but we cannot let them profit from Brexit, as that would be lethal for the EU," Tusk said.
It doesn't take a genius to work through all those lies and contradictions. So...
All right you anti-democratic scoundrel. How's this:
1) Tusk should be declared persona non grata in the UK. His family should also be put on the same list, along with with all friends and allies. No, we don't want to do that. But you started it.
2) Now, we'll do the threats. Again, we don't want to do this. But, we will demand that this scoundrel is dismissed within 48 hours. If not, we will retain diplomatic relations with Poland, but insist that the Polish ambassador is recalled, and that all future diplomatic discussions take place at the second tier level.
Now, just before anyone says that this is an overreaction, consider what this Putinesque scoundrel is saying.
He is saying that the British people must suffer for having had the temerity to reject the European Union in a democratic vote.
No use telling people like Tusk to respect democracy. But, we can at least make him suffer. Let's do it.