Friday 13 December 2019

13 Dec 2019 Newspaper headlines: 'Rejoice for Boris' after 'historic' Tory win

For the Financial Times, Boris Johnson's election gamble has paid off in "spectacular style" after the public overwhelmingly embraced his "Get Brexit Done" campaign slogan.
"Rejoice! " is the headline for the Daily Mail. The paper says Boris Johnson's "thumping win" will finally see Brexit delivered - and sound the death knell for another EU referendum.
The Mail says voters delivered a humiliating verdict on Jeremy Corbyn's brand of socialism. It forecasts an "extraordinary civil war" in Labour's ranks and a brutal leadership contest.
For the Guardian, the result is a "crushing defeat" for Mr Corbyn, and a repudiation of his offer of "real change" for Britain.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his partner Carrie Symonds arrive back in 10 Downing Street in LondonImage copyrightEPA
Image captionBoris Johnson hailed a "new dawn" in his victory speech before returning to No 10 with his partner Carrie Symonds
The Daily Telegraph says Jeremy Corbyn has now cemented his place as the least popular and least successful Labour leader in modern history.
The Times believes Brexit and Boris Johnson have re-drawn the electoral map by smashing through Labour's red wall of seats in Northern England and the Midlands.
The paper predicts tension between London and Edinburgh over a second independence referendum, thanks to the scale of the SNP's projected success.
The Daily Express welcomes what it says is a decisive vote in favour of Parliament finally respecting the EU referendum result, and freeing the UK from Brussels' rule.
"Nightmare before Christmas" is the headline for the Daily Mirror - which predicts five more years of "Tory hell".
BBC News Daily
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The Sun says it's a far better result than the Conservatives were expecting. Its editorial says "well done Britain and well done Boris" - and hopes that Jeremy Corbyn and what it calls his cult of halfwits have been crushed.
"Johnson unleashed" is the i newspaper's headline. It predicts Brexit in 49 days - but also a battle for the future of the UK because of gains by the SNP.
In Scotland, the Herald warns of a looming constitutional crisis over Scottish independence following the SNP's 48-seat victory. The Daily Record's headline is "Britain on the brink".