Wednesday 18 December 2019

Daily Mail headlines: Wed 18 Dec 2019

A dolphin trainer, a TV quiz winner - even a union rep: ANDREW PIERCE on how the Tories' latest cohort of 109 new MPs provide a portrait of contemporary Britain
ANDREW PIERCE on how the Tories' latest cohort of MPs provide a portrait of contemporary
ANDREW PIERCE: Among the wave of 109 new Tory MPs who demolished Labour's 'Red Wall', there isn't a single Old Etonian in sight. Instead, the Tories' latest cohort couldn't provide a better portrait of contemporary Britain. Pictured are the new MPs standing together with Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Parliament on Monday. Numbered from 1-11 are Sara Britcliffe, Jonathan Gullis, Chris Loder, Imran Ahmad Khan, Aaron Bell, Mark Fletcher, Elliot Colburn, Lee Anderson, Antony Higginbotham, Dehenna Davison and Virginia Crosbie.

Boris Johnson has handed Nicky Morgan a life peerage to allow her to continue as Culture Secretary as he also appointed Simon Hart to be his new Welsh Secretary.

The Ministry of Defence's procurement is expected to be a priority for next year after Dominic Cummings previously described the systems as 'a farce'.

Amy Dalla Mura, 56, targeted the former Conservative MP for Broxstowe Anna Soubry, 62, as she gave an interview to BBC Newsnight at Westminster.

Strategy chief Seumas Milne, who is paid £104,000 and chief of staff Karie Murphy, who earns £92,000, have been condemned by colleagues for their roles in the rout at the hands of the Tories.

The Labour leadership battle stepped up a gear today amid claims that Rebecca Long-Bailey and Angela Rayner could form a 'dream ticket'.

Caroline Flint today stood by her claim that Emily Thornberry branded northern Brexit voters 'stupid' as Labour tore itself apart in the wake of its disastrous general election.

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Spare us from Baroness Swinson of Stop Brexit taking seat in the House
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Thought you'd seen the last of the insufferably irritating Jo Swinson? Think again. Plans are afoot to send her to the Lords. Despite leading her party to a crushing General Election defeat, losing her own seat in the process, she's in line for a peerage. Baroness Swinson of Stop Brexit would be bad enough. But the prospect of Lord Grieve of Grenoble, or Lady Soubry Loo of Sancerre is simply too horrible to contemplate.

Former prime minister Tony Blair, shadow chancellor John McDonnell and shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer were all at the service at St Pancras Church in London today.

The SNP won 35 seats in 2017 but managed to secure 12 more at the general election last week - a surge which has bolstered Ms Sturgeon's calls for a second breakaway ballot.

Downing Street said the two world leaders had a call this afternoon as Mr Trump praised Mr Johnson and they discussed their shared desire for increased trade between the two nations.