Thursday 5 December 2019

Boris Johnson likens Labour's 'NHS plot' dossier to UFO pictures

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has compared a leaked 451-page document Labour has heralded as proof of a plot to privatise the NHS to photos of UFOs.

Thursday 5 December 2019 1:53 pm
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has compared Labour's leaked NHS document to UFO pictures

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has compared Labour's leaked NHS document to UFO pictures (via Getty Images)
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn revealed the unredacted documents detailing
preliminary trade talks between the US and UK late last month, saying the
files were proof that the NHS was “on the table” for a post-Brexit deal.
But today Johnson appeared to claim that the documents could be false.
“There are photographs that purport to prove that there are UFOs, but it is
complete nonsense” he told This Morning when asked about the dossier.
Extracts from the documents detailed exploratory talks about higher medicine
prices and full market access to the NHS.
But the Prime Minister today rejected the claims as an effort to scare voters
into voting against the Tories.
“This is absolute nonsense and I think a scare story that comes up time and
time again, every election,” he told hosts Philip Schofield and Holly

Boris Johnson has offered a 'rock solid' guarantee the NHS will not be sold off
Boris Johnson has offered a ‘rock solid’ guarantee the NHS will not be sold off

When it was put to him that the document was proof of the NHS being up for
grabs in trade talks, Johnson said he could give a “rock solid guarantee” it
would not be sold off.
“I love the NHS, it is the most fantastic institution. It exemplifies the very
best of our country,” he added.
It follows Trump’s insistence that he has no interest in including the NHS in
US-UK trade talks when he came to the UK for the Nato summit this week.
Johnson also defended the Tories’ policy to end early release for seriously
violent offenders after the London Bridge attack that claimed the lives of
two young people, Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones.
“You must always try to rehabilitate people – you’ve always got to give
people a chance,” Johnson said. “But there are some people, and I think
probably this guy is one of them, who just are not capable of being
changed and in his case the best thing for the public and for him was to
keep him inside and it was wrong to have early release.”