Tuesday 10 December 2019

Lord Sugar backs Boris Johnson at the general election

Former Labour peer warns that Jeremy Corbyn's spending plans would 'create economic chaos'
  • Lifelong Labour supporter Lord Sugar has urged a vote for the Conservatives
  • He said he hoped a Labour defeat would help the party by removing Mr Corbyn 
  • The Apprentice star cannot vote himself as a member of the House of Lords 
Lifelong Labour supporter Lord Sugar has urged voters to back Boris Johnson in the General Election.
Writing in The Sun, the Apprentice star described Labour's spending plans as 'complete madness' and said a government led by Corbyn 'would create economic chaos'.
The former Labour peer said that a vote for the Conservatives is the most effective way to save Labour in the long-term - by ridding the party of its leader. 
He said: 'Jeremy Corbyn has turned Labour into a negative anti-business party that is clueless on how the economy works. His £1.2trillion spending splurge is complete madness. His spending plans would create economic chaos.' 
Endorsement: Lifelong Labour supporter Lord Sugar (pictured earlier this year) has urged voters to back Boris Johnson in the General Election
Endorsement: Lifelong Labour supporter Lord Sugar (pictured earlier this year) has urged voters to back Boris Johnson in the General Election
Despite having campaigned for Remain in the referendum, Lord Sugar declared that 'enough was enough'.
'Business and families are crying out for economic certainty to plan for the years ahead with confidence. We just need to get Brexit over with.
'That won't happen in a hung parliament, or with Corbyn's Labour in power,' said Lord Sugar.
Describing Thursday's poll as the 'most significant election' of his lifetime, he claimed that his rise from council estate to boardroom executive would not be possible under a Corbyn-led government.
He said: 'Corbyn getting into power would affect everyone, from the person earning minimum living wage up to the CEOs of Britain's biggest companies.
'He'll clobber ordinary people, young and old, with sky-rocketing taxes: holiday tax, higher petrol tax, pensions tax or a tax for drivers. You name it, he wants to tax it.' 
Final stretch: Boris Johnson boards a plane at Doncaster Sheffield Airport on Monday with three days to go until the general election
Final stretch: Boris Johnson boards a plane at Doncaster Sheffield Airport on Monday with three days to go until the general election 
The lifelong Labour supporter said that a vote for Boris Johnson would actually help the Labour party in the long run, claiming that it's time for 'Corbyn to resign and get a sensible person to take the helm and make Labour great again'.
Likening Brexit to an 'awful Groundhog Day situation', Lord Sugar claimed that only a Conservative majority could end the delay.
The 72-year-old, who is Jewish, said he could not 'add to what's already been said' about Labour's anti-Semitism crisis.  
The former Labour peer resigned from the party in 2015 over its 'negative' attitude to business, before Mr Corbyn was elected leader.  
Last month he branded Mr Corbyn a 'millionaire hypocrite' and accused him of overseeing the 'destruction' of the Labour party.  
As a member of the House of Lords, he cannot vote in the election himself.  
The Conservatives are fighting to win at least 20 seats in Labour heartlands in the West Midlands and the North which will likely decide the fate of the election. 
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