Monday 9 December 2019

Nigel Farage says Brexit Party could still exist after Britain leaves EU... but would change name to Reform

The Brexit Party could rebrand as the “reform party” after Britain leaves the European Union, Nigel Farage has suggested.
Mr Farage said he has already formally registered the new name, adding it would fight to "change politics for good”.
He predicted a “seriously good chance” of the Brexit Party winning a “handful” of seats when the country goes to the polls on December 12, despite the latest polls suggesting he will win three per cent.
The Brexit Party leader has been rocked by a series of resignations in the last week, with four Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) walking out to support Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal.
When asked on Sunday morning if his party has a post-Brexit future, he replied: “It’ll have to reform into the ‘reform party’, it’ll have to campaign to change politics for good, get rid of the House of Lords, change the voting system. 
“So much to do and again you’ll see on Thursday a turnout much lower than the pundits expect because people have lost faith in politics.”
Asked if the Reform Party was a possible new name, he added: “Absolutely, I’ve registered it already.”
Mr Farage again defended his decision to stand candidates down in Tory-held seats, after Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson accused him and the prime minister of a “cosy stitch up”.
It follows a bruising week for Mr Farage, with Annunziata Rees-Mogg, sister of Commons Leader Jacob Rees-Mogg, along with Lance Forman and Lucy Harris all resigning the whip.
MEP and businessman John Longworth was sacked from the party on Wednesday for having “repeatedly undermined” Mr Farage’s election strategy.
But Mr Farage said: “I haven’t fallen out with anybody. I haven’t moved….Of course I want Brexit done, but I want the right Brexit done.”
The Brexit Party won 29 seats in the 2019 European elections, when it was set up, the most of any UK party.
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This election is different. Corbyn must not become PM. It is as simple as that to a lot of us. Then whatever you think you must vote to stop that happening. The hard left will be in power and will start to dismantle our way of life and our country. Have you ever met some of them? Insane and dangerous. We face enough problems as it is without an ideological party in power that has no concept of reality or of the nation as a nation. I doubt whether even the Tories can do much now to bring this country together but at least they will not deliberately try to destroy it in pursuit of a goal that every other nation has either tried or failed at. Add to that a foreign policy agenda that will end up with us losing the USA as an ally - trust me that is inevitable if Corbyn wins- and disaster looms. Leave reform till after but for now we must vote Tory .Not any choice about it really .
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The Labour Party hate Britain and Britishness, that much is certain
Tom Sharp
If it hadn’t been for Farage we would still be on the same old Tory/Labour see saw. The shortcomings of all parties have been revealed and he was the one who lifted the carpet corner on this compost heap of corruption, apathy and irresponsibility. Now all of a sudden, integrity, new policies and a golden dawn is about to arise on this political planet! Wow! The grinding of all the rusty thinking wheels as the people make an effort to get to grips with the current sorry state of affairs and realises the paucity of its limited choices. After years of cronyism in the parties where incompetent but malleable individuals were guided into safe seats, where people polished the green leather for literally a lifetime. Oh, the agony, as we face a choice between the least worst leader on offer. It is however, a step we take with eyes wide open and thanks should be given to the man who made step one possible. lets see where this takes us next.
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