Monday 6 January 2020

Brexit: What's happening this week? 6 Jan 2020

The UK is due to leave the EU at the end of this month - but before then the legislation required must be approved by Parliament.

6 January 2020 Mon
Flags in Westminster
Here are the key things you need to know about Brexit this week.

What is the latest on Brexit?

The UK is due to leave the EU at 23:00 GMT on Friday, 31 January.
But before this date, the UK Parliament has to approve the necessary legislation - the Withdrawal Agreement Bill, or Brexit bill as it's more commonly known.
The European Parliament also has to give the green light in order for the UK to leave on the terms of the prime minister's deal.
However, this would only mark the next step in the Brexit process. Following its departure, the UK will enter a transition period until 31 December 2020.
During this period the UK will effectively remain in the EU's customs union and single market - but will be outside the political institutions and there will be no British members of the European Parliament.
Mr Johnson has already ruled out any extension to this period.

What is happening with the Brexit bill this week?

MPs return after their Christmas recess on Tuesday and they are due to further scrutinise the Brexit bill.
The government wants to get the bill through its Commons stages by the end of Thursday - something that should be eminently doable with its freshly won majority.
The legislation passed its first hurdle in Parliament in December and now progresses to the committee stage, which is the examination of the bill's detail.
That will include discussions on citizens' rights after Brexit and Northern Ireland to name just two of many areas.
There are also amendments - proposed changes to the bill - the Commons will have to consider during this process, although those without government backing have little hope of succeeding.
Labour has proposed an amendment to ensure consultation of Parliament and the devolved assemblies during the negotiations.
The party also wants to see a two-year implementation period, to allow the longer term UK-EU relationship to be negotiated if the prime minister fails to secure agreement on a future partnership deal by the end of June.
The SNP is also laying down markers, including an amendment which proposes to dis-apply the whole Bill to Scotland.
WestminsterImage copyrightREUTERS
Image captionMark Francois wants Big Ben to chime on 23:00 GMT on 31 January to mark Brexit
Other amendments proposed include one from Brexiteer Mark Francois and deputy speaker candidate Nigel Evans - who want Big Ben to chime at the moment the UK officially leaves the EU - 23:00 GMT on 31 January.
The bill is expected to clear the Commons on Thursday and then pass to the House of Lords for consideration the following week.
Theresa May suffered a string of defeats at the hands of peers over Brexit, but Mr Johnson should be able to reverse any amendments they back when the bill returns to the Commons once again.

Is anything else going on in the world of Brexit?

European Commission President Ursula von der LeyenImage copyrightEPA
Image captionBoris Johnson is due to meet European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to meet European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in London on Wednesday.
Mrs von der Leyen has previously warned that forthcoming Brexit negotiations face another "cliff-edge situation" given Mr Johnson's insistence that the transition period must not be extended.
She has said the timetable for trade talks is therefore "extremely challenging".
Elsewhere this week, MPs will be able to question Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay in the Commons on Thursday - the final time Exiting the European Union questions will be held as the the department is due to be closed down on 31 January.
Flowchart explaining how Brexit and then a trade deal might happen
Presentational white space