Friday 31 January 2020

WATCH: Moment British Flag Comes Down in Brussels – BREXIT DONE

Britain’s iconic Union Flag was ceremoniously lowered, folded, and taken away in the European Council building in Brussels ahead of Brexit at 11 p.m. on January 31st.
Video of the history-making moment shows a sombre atmosphere as EU functionaries lower the flag of what had been one of the bloc’s top economic and military powers — powerful imagery symbolising the island nation setting out as a free-standing democracy once again and the diminishment of what is now a 27-member confederation.
This is the moment the Union Flag 🇬🇧 was removed from the EU Council building in Brussels ahead of .

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Britain will not truly be free of the European Union’s governing structures for almost a year, however, as it now enters a so-called “transition” period in which it remains subject to EU law, EU judges, and EU migration rules — but loses its representation in the European Council, European Commission, and European Parliament.
The “transition” is intended as a period for more negotiations between the EU and its former member-state in which a future partnership can be agreed — or not, which would mean either an extension to the transition or a so-called “no deal” Brexit.
This might entail the EU claiming significant control over the British province of Northern Ireland under the terms of the withdrawal agreement Prime Minister Boris Johnson has negotiated with the bloc.