Sunday 19 January 2020

Brexiteers applaud German MEP for scathing attack on von der Leyen's EU power grab

A LEADING German MEP lashed out at Ursula von der Leyen for trying to "overdose on EU integration" - winning huge applause from Brexit Party MEPs.

Brexit Party MEPs loudly applauded a German MEP who brutally savaged the record of EU bosses. Gunnar Beck took a swipe at European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen for trying to raise European taxes and “waste” money on one trillion euro Green New Deal budget. To huge cheers from Brexiteers, Mr Beck said that the EU was refusing to face reality and instead was “overdosing” on greater EU integration.

Brexit Party MEPs loudly applauded a German MEP who brutally savaged the record of EU bosses (Image: IG)
Speaking in the European Parliament, the German MEP said: “The Commission President now proposes a conference on the future of Europe to make the EU more democratic.
“She proposes an economy for the people but also proposes to have more taxes and an EU Green New Deal for one trillion euros when EU influence on world climate is minimal.
“EU democracy is democracy neither for nor by the European peoples.
“Freud once spoke of an escape into illness to describe a neurotic avoidance of an unsatisfactory reality."
He continued: “Rather than face the struggle to regain health, the neurotic patient is secretly desiring to remain ill. Is there a better diaogniss of the EU today?
“Faced with a menacing economic truth, the EU is reaching for a narcotic overdose of EU integration to take an extended holiday from reality. “
Brexit Party MEPs could be heard cheering and whistling in the support of the anti-EU rant.
Mr Beck, who has represented Alternative für Deutschland in Strasbourg since 2019, has previously slammed the EU’s punishing approach towards the UK over Brexit.
Beck has represented Alternative für Deutschland in Strasbourg since 2019 (Image: IG)
He claimed that Ms von der Leyen’s predecessor Jean-Claude Juncker was trying to “reduce the UK to a vassal state or risk massive job losses in the EU”.
His latest attack on the EU Commission President came during the final session for Brexit Party MEPs, ahead of Britain’s imminent departure from the bloc.
During the heated session in Strasbourg, Brexit Party MEPs chanted “let him speak” after a German MEP chairing their last session in the European Parliament shut down one of their MEPs.
Beck said that the EU was refusing to face reality and instead was “overdosing” on greater EU integration (Image: GETTY)
The chaos erupted when Italian MEP Marco Zanni questioned why he and his colleagues were no longer allowed to display national flags on the desks in front of them.
German MEP Katarina Barley, who was chairing the session, replied that it was against the rules, as set out by the European Parliament’s president, David Sassoli.
This prompted backlash from the Brexit Party MEPs, with their party whip Brian Monteith quickly standing to raise a point of order.
However, Ms Barley told him that he couldn’t raise it until he and his colleagues had removed the Union flags from their desks.