Saturday 18 January 2020

EU crisis: Polish MEPs spark Brussels panic after standing ovation for 'POLEXIT' demands

THERE IS increasing fear in Brussels that another country is about follow Britain in leaving the EU, as the leader of the governing Law and Justice Party in Poland said this morning that "Poles deserve to live in a sovereign state".


Polexit was trending on Twitter this morning, after several leading Polish politicians hit back at the EU for interfering in its domestic reforms. A British Brexiteer MEP recieved a standing ovation from his Polish counterparts after he urged the Polish Government to follow the UK and quit the European Union. Even Jarosław Kaczyński, the former Prime Minister and current Polish MEP, threatened to quit the EU, saying today that "Poles deserve to live in a sovereign state".

On Thursday, Brexit Party MEP Ben Habib urged Poland to join the UK in ditching the European Union.

Speaking to huge applause from the ruling Law and Justice MEPs, Mr Habib told his Polish colleagues: “Poland is one of the greatest nations in Europe and in the EU.
"It is not for an institution that has appointed a political court, where the ECJ has 28 political appointments, it is not for an institution that has a government in the form of the commission that is entirely unelected, to hold to account the Law and Justice Party that has been elected twice to govern Poland, on the manifesto of reforming the judiciary.
“Do not put up with the ignominious judgment of this institution. POLEXIT: You will find a friendship in the United Kingdom and we will support you.”

Polexit was trending on Twitter after several Polish politicians hit back at the EU (Image: IG)
Jarosław Kaczyński, the former Prime Minister and current Polish MEP, threatened to quit the EU, saying that "Poles deserve to live in a sovereign state" (Image: IG)
Mr Habib later tweeted: "The contempt with which the ex-PM (now MEP) of Poland was treated in the chamber was unacceptable.
"I am convinced that Brexit spells the beginning of the end of the EU."
On Wednesday, MEP Patryk Jaki unleashed a fierce rant against the EU, telling the European Parliament: "You say the rule of law doesn't exist in Poland but it's doing great in France?
"What about French judges and lawyers protesting in the court of appeal? The French police used force against them!
The row between the EU and Poland escalated on Wednesday when the European Parliament debated the Article 7 probes (Image: GETTY)

“You people are ridiculous! You have a problem with Poland because we aren't on a German leash anymore!"
Leading Polish opposition party MEP Andrzej Halicki said that if the Government is not removed, he fears that "Poland will leave the EU". 
In response to the standing ovation, Brexit Party MEP Alexandra Phillips tweeted: "Belting speech from @benhabib6.
"Whatever you think of Poland's current government, it has been democratically elected. It is not for the EU technocracy to start poking its nose into the country's domestic affairs."
Last weekend, judges from across Europe marched through Warsaw as part of a protest (Image: GETTY)
The row between the EU and Poland escalated on Wednesday when the European Parliament debated the Article 7 probes underway against Poland and Hungary.
During the debate, MEPs called on EU countries on Wednesday to set concrete demands and deadlines for Hungary and Poland, which have been under prolonged EU scrutiny over the rule of law and judicial independence.
They warned that the EU’s discussions with Poland and Hungary have not yet led these countries to realign with the EU’s founding values. 
Last weekend, judges from across Europe marched through Warsaw as part of a protest against the mounting pressure on the independence of their Polish counterparts.