Wednesday 1 January 2020

Macron crisis: Germany turns screw on French President as top chief launches bitter attack

EMMANUEL MACRON caused “serious damage to European democracy” with his controversial intervention to block Manfred Weber’s bid to become President of the European Commission, the German politician has complained in a bitter rant.

He accused the French president of being in cahoots with Hungary’s right-wing Prime Minister  to ensure he was thwarted in his ambitions. , who has served as the leader of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament since 2014, announced his candidacy for the role in September 2018, hoping to replace , having secured the backing of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
However, his bid was not supported by Mr Macron, who is believed to have campaigned widely against his appointment, and subsequently said there was “no majority for Mr Weber”.
As a result, Mr Weber’s compatriot Ursula von der Leyen got the job, and while said he did not blame her, he made his resentment plain in an interview with the Berliner Morganpost.
Asked who he blamed for his failure to land the EU’s top job, Mr Weber said: “Emmanuel Macron. 
Manfred Weber
Manfred Weber has launched a bitter attack on Emmanuel Macron (Image: AFP)
"Before the European elections, he said that we need the best staff you can imagine - and not a parliamentarian without government experience. 
“I think it’s pretty presumptuous. It is not the French President who decides who is eligible for the post. It is the voter alone.
“My party nominated me with a strong vote in Helsinki.
Manfred Weber Ursula von der Leyen
Manfred Weber said he did not blame European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (Image: Reuter

“This is more democratic legitimation than many others in the EU Commission. It was an attack on democratic Europe.”
Mr Weber also suggested Mr Macron had worked with Mr Orban to deny him, despite the fact the French President has been a frequent critic of the leader of the right-wing Fidesz Party.
Mr Orban withdrew his support for Mr Weber after the latter pledged not to accept the post of President if his success depended on the support of Fidesz.
Viktor Orban
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Image: AFP)
Ursula von der Leyen Manfred Weber
Ursula von der Leyen is applauded by Manfred Weber (Image: GETTY)
Mr Weber claimed: “Macron has formed an axis in the Council with the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
“Together they have caused serious damage to European democracy.”
He also absolved Ms von der Leyen of responsibility, saying: “Ursula von der Leyen loyally supported me in the election campaign - although she was being discussed as someone who would like to make the German commissioner.
Ursula von der Leyen
Ursula von der Leyen's Commission (Image: Daily Express)
“Macron suggested it and it was accepted as a compromise candidate.
"From that moment on it was clear that she had my full support.
“I want us to be successful now - and to ensure that my campaign promises are implemented: the fight against cancer, the protection of Europe’s external borders, the creation of a European FBI.”
Mr Weber’s latest interview is not the first time he has complained about the process by which he was denied the job.
Angela Merkel
German Chancellor Angela Merkel touted Mr Weber's candidacy (Image: Reuters)
"In April, in the aftermath of Ms von der Leyen’s nomination, he once more accused Mr Macron and Mr Orban of working together to deny him, saying: “There were backroom talks and late-night sessions in which the Macron and Orban axis prevailed and the Spitzenkandidat system was dismantled.
“This is not the Europe I want and I will continue to fight for the democratisation of the EU.
“Macron said ‘vote for my Europe, not for Orban’s.’ And suddenly they are working together and damaging democratic Europe. Now we are in a shambles.”