Wednesday 8 January 2020

Verhofstadt launches last desperate bid to wreck Brexit with unbelievable demand

GUY VERHOFSTADT is set to launch one last desperate attempt to wreck Brexit with a demand for Brussels to leverage market access in order to maintain freedom of movement between the UK and EU.
The European Parliament’s Brexit co-ordinator will use an MEPs vote on the withdrawal agreement to encourage Brussels to push for “ambitious provisions concerning the movement of persons” in the future talks. In a draft resolution, seen by, to be debated in Strasbourg next week, he calls to ensure “those rights should be commensurate with the degree of future cooperation in other areas”. The motion adds: “Free movement rights are also directly linked to the three other freedoms integral to the internal market, and have a particular relevance to services and professional qualifications.”

Mr Verhofstadt has secured the support of senior German MEP Manfred Weber and former EU Parliament president Antonio Tajani for the resolution.
They will also call for an expression of distrust in the Government to monitor the rights of EU citizens after Brexit.
Boris Johnson’s Government is accused of creating “anxiety” in recent months, the text states.
The resolution “expresses its concern” with the Independent Monitoring Authority, a citizens’ rights watchdog.
Guy Verhofstadt
Guy Verhofstadt launches EU Parliament bid to wreck Brexit (Image: GETTY)
Guy Verhofstadt
Mr Verhofstadt's resolution calls for continued free movement between the UK and EU (Image: EbS)
It demands a “truly independent” watchdog that should be operational immediately after the transition period ends.
Under the terms of the withdrawal agreement, three million EU citizens can maintain their residential and social security rights by applying for so-called “settled status”.
Mr Verhofstadt suggests that EU citizens would be offered greater security if they are “issued with a physical document as proof of their right to reside in the UK after the end of the transition period”.
His motion adds: “The lack of such physical proof will further increase the risk of discrimination against EU27 citizens by prospective employers or landlords who many want to avoid the extra administrative burden of online verification.”
Manfred Weber
German MEP Manfred Weber has added his signature to the motion (Image: GETTY)
A Home Office spokesperson said: “We have already provided certainty to over 2 million people who have been granted status through the EU settlement scheme. Our scheme is free, there is plenty of support for applicants and, once the withdrawal agreement bill passes, EU citizens have until the end of June 2021 to apply.
“We have done far more than any other EU member state has done for British citizens, and it’s time they adopted a similarly generous approach.”
Mr Johnson will hold face-to-face talks with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Downing Street later this afternoon.
The Prime Minister will warn the Brussels bureaucrat that Britain will not allow any extensions to the Brexit transition period.
Ursula von der Leyen and Michel Barnier
Ursula von der Leyen and Michel Barnier will meet Boris Johnson today in London (Image: GETTY)
He will say Britons and citizens across the rest of the EU have had enough after three years of talks.
Mr Johnson will also insist he wants to secure a trade deal with the EU by the end of December 2020 when the transition period that keeps existing Brussels rules in place ends.
Ahead of her trip, Ms von der Leyen said she would use the opportunity to discuss the current Iranian crisis with the Prime Minister.
The former German defence minister told reporters in Brussels: “I shall meet Prime Minister Boris Johnson this afternoon, and, of course, the situation in Iran and Iraq will also be a topic.
“It is in our mutual interest to build a partnership between the EU and UK, one that will enable us to defend and strengthen our interest both from an economic and security point of view.”
MPs debated plans to rule out a transition period extension in law as the EU Withdrawal Agreement Bill continued its passage through Parliament last night.
Discussions will continue in the House of Commons today to rule out extending the transition period in law.
Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay told MPs: "This Bill implements the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated by the Prime Minister. It fulfils the will of the British people and will set the stage for our bright future outside of the European Union.
"It lets us take back control of our laws, our money, our borders and our trade policy.
"This Bill delivers on the overwhelming mandate given to us by the British people to get Brexit done by the end of January."