Saturday 18 January 2020

Too late now! Germans disappointed as nearly 70 percent of voters 'regret' Brexit

NEARLY 70 percent of German voters in a poll have admitted they “regret” Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.
Britain is scheduled to fully cut ties with the European Union at the end of January - leading to the start of trade negotiations between the UK and Brussels. But, a recent survey carried out by the Mannheim research group produced a shock result, with 68 percent of Germans who responded expressing that they were regretful Britain would be leaving the bloc. The survey was conducted on the Politibarometer, a long-standing German election poll which also broadcasts a television programme monthly on a Friday.
The poll also revealed that 21 percent ‘do not care’ whether Britain leaves the EU.
Nine percent believe that Britain leaving the EU is a positive action.
Research also showed that a staggering 46 percent do not believe there will be any changes as a result of Brexit.
Germany faces a contribution hike after Brexit (Image: Getty)
Brexit will take place at the end of the month (Image: Getty)
Interviews were conducted across three days in January 2020 via telephone.
In total, 1,282 people were randomly selected.
The only requirement of participants involved was that they had to be eligible to vote.
The UK and Germany are two of the biggest EU contributors (Image: Getty)
Regarding the future of the EU, 63 percent of those surveyed told the research group that they wished to see EU member states collaborate more.
The Mannheim research group is based out of the University of Mannheim in Germany.
Founded in 1989, it is devoted to research on social and political developments in Europe.
The poll follows reports that the country’s post-Brexit contributions will be significantly increased.
The referendum result led to three years of negotiations (Image: Getty)
Much like the Brexit referendum, the German poll split opinion (Image: Getty)
Germany may be forced to foot the bill for the gap Britain leaves within the union as a net contributor.
It is estimated that in the next seven years, German contributions will rise by an average of €14 billion, to an annual contribution of €42 billion.
The proposal was put together in 2019 by Finland who, at the time, held the presidency of the Council of the European Union.
But the chair of German MEPs, Gerald Ullrich, urged the German government to renegotiate to a lower figure that would see Germany keep more money in its pocket.
European Union
European Union contributors mapped (Image: NC)
He said: “In the negotiations on the contributions to the EU budget, the federal government must advocate a general correction mechanism so that the burdens on German taxpayers do not get out of hand.”
Britain is set to leave the European Union on January 31st 2020 after three years of negotiations by two Prime Ministers - Theresa May and Boris Johnson.
It has been close to 50 years since the UK first joined the bloc, then known as the European Community, alongside the Republic of Ireland and Denmark.
In the original 1975 referendum, 67 percent wished to join, compared to the 33 percent who did not.
Nearly 70 percent of Germans expressed 'regret' over Brexit (Image: Getty)
This is compared to the historic 52-48 percent statistics of Leave and Remain in the 2016 referendum on Brexit.
German chancellor Angela Merkel recently described Brexit as a ‘wake-up call’ for the European Union.
In an interview with the Financial Times, she urged the EU to change its ways, saying it must become more “attractive, innovative, creative, a good place for research and education.”
The chancellor formerly remained tight-lipped on the Brexit issue, with her first statement on the matter outlining how Britain had the potential to become a ‘competitor’ to Germany.
Additional reporting by Monika Pallenberg