Sunday 27 October 2019

An A-Z of the lies, absurdities and hypocrisies of this rotten Parliament

From austerity to zzzzz, here’s a list that should make politicians hang their heads in shame

27 OCTOBER 2019 • 9:30PM


MPs complained Boris Johnson was an unelected Prime Minister, but blocked an election. They demanded a delay to Brexit to stop no-deal, but used the delay to block Boris’s deal instead. They insisted Parliament should have a meaningful vote on the deal, but then voted to avoid voting on it.
In this rotten Parliament, so many lies, absurdities and hypocrisies abound it’s difficult to keep up. So this is an A-Z compendium of the worst.
A is for austerity. Which did not cause Brexit. The people voted for Britain to become a self-governing democracy once again. The cause of Brexit was our EU membership....