Thursday 17 October 2019

Remain focus on no-deal Brexit has pushed MPs closer to accepting a deal

Some readers fears that we are heading towards parliament accepting Boris Johnson's Brexit deal.

Jonathon Read @jonoread

PUBLISHED: 16:15 17 October 2019 | UPDATED: 16:15 17 October 2019
Boris Johnson speaks in the House of Commons. (PA Wire/PA Images)
Almost all recent anti-Brexit effort has been directed towards stopping a no-deal outcome but I fear that enough MPs will now accept anything that Johnson brings back.
Some Lexiteers will breathe a sigh of relief that any deal has been agreed, while Conservatives will want to push it through so that Johnson and the Tories can present themselves at the forthcoming election as the great British Brexit heroes.
I am afraid that the opportunity to force through a second referendum may have passed by the time Johnson returns from the EU summit, simply because MPs have been worn out and worn down by focusing on countering no-deal.
Bill Cooper, Kinross

It looks like the deal which will be brought back is essentially May's original with a few tweaks on the Irish question but with Johnson's face on it.
I have no doubt that any deal put to parliament will now pass fairly comfortably, with the Tory 'rebels', the paper tigers of the ERG and a sizeable chunk of Labour MPs all supporting it.
Johnson will be hailed a hero by the billionaire press, the 'man who got Brexit done', will win a landslide in the forthcoming election and the UK will head further towards becoming a xenophobic, deregulated English nationalist country.
But hey, it's what 17.4 million of us voted for, doncha know! Dark days ahead
Graham Nunn, Ipswich