Thursday 17 October 2019

Win or lose this weekend, if the PM calls an election he is now unstoppable

After more than three years of debacle and disappointment, it can be hard to recognise a genuine breakthrough. 

17 OCTOBER 2019 • 9:30PM

Bob cartoon
What Boris Johnson has negotiated in Brussels really does seem to be the real Brexit deal CREDIT: BOB

After more than three years of debacle and disappointment, it can be hard to recognise a genuine breakthrough. 

“The ‘new deal’ is not Brexit,” declared Nigel Farage, a little too soon after the details were published. In the past, his instinct would have been correct. The Chequers agreement, the subsequent White Paper and Theresa May’s thrice-defeated deal all fell dismally short of a plan to leave the European Union in a meaningful sense. But this time, it’s different. What Boris Johnson has negotiated in Brussels really does seem to be the real Brexit deal.

Freedom of movement? Britain will take back full control of its borders after a 14-month transition period. The money to Brussels? It’s...