Sunday 27 October 2019

Forget the Kama Sutra, Labour's positions on Brexit now look more like 50 Shades of Delay

In the last month alone, Labour have called for a general election 50 times ...

27 OCTOBER 2019 • 9:30PM

The Labour party leader in the House of Commons last week
The Labour party leader in the House of Commons last week CREDIT: JESSICA TAYLOR

When does "bring on an election" mean “concoct any excuse you can” to avoid an election? When you're dealing with Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party. 

In the last month alone, Labour have called for a general election 50 times, but now that one has been offered, all we hear from Jeremy Corbyn and his lieutenants are spurious excuses to avoid facing the people. From bravado through prevarication to full-blooded retreat, Labour are about as steady as a tennis ball in a typhoon.

Labour's twists in the wind are, however, characterised by one consistent pattern. They don't trust the people. Although their manifesto at the last election committed them to supporting our departure from the European Union, they...