Monday 21 October 2019

Brexit voter tears into shameful MPs who 'begged for our votes' but won’t deliver mandate

A FURIOUS Brexit voter ripped into MPs in the House of Commons who “begged” Brits for their votes in the 2017 general election and have not delivered on the historic 2016 EU referendum.

Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson has repeatedly said he will deliver Brexit by the end of the month (Image: GETTY)

The Prime Minister could yet hold a so-called “meaningful vote” on his Brexit agreement on Monday if House of Commons Speaker John Bercow allows it. But, a furious Brexit voter has ripped into Parliamentarians for not delivering on promises made before the 2017 election. Both the Labour Party and Conservative Party said they would deliver Brexit if elected.
Speaking on The Red Box Politics Podcast, and attending the People’s Vote rally on Saturday, despite being a Brexit supporter, a Leaver described events in Parliament as a “scandal”.
The voter from Nottingham said: “I think it is a scandal, it is a disgrace.
“The spectacle of these scoundrels in there behaving to their own prejudices, it’s beyond belief.
“They begged us for our votes in the last general election.
Brexit protest
A Leave voter ripped into MPs in the House of Commons (Image: GETTY
“In each of their constituencies they went to the electorate, and they said, ‘please vote us in and we will represent you and implement the referendum result’, 80 percent of them anyway.“As soon as they took their seats on the green benches, they just continued to follow their own prejudices and options. Not the mandate they were given by the electorate.”The Brexit voter said they had received “no trouble” at the protest but “did see some irate Remainers challenge some of our colleagues”.On Saturday, the People’s Vote campaign claimed more than a million people marched in Westminster to demand another say on leaving the European Union.Brexit protestDemonstrators have repeatedly called for another say on leaving the EU (Image: UK)
During the historic Saturday sitting in the House of Commons, MPs passed an amendment, withholding Commons approval of Mr Johnson’s deal until the necessary UK legislation to leave the EU has been passed.
Despite the setback for the Prime Minister, Michael Gove has insisted the UK will still leave the European Union by the end of this month.
Michael Gove has told Sophy Ridge: “We are going to leave by October 31, we have the means and the ability to do so.
“That letter was sent because parliament required it to be sent…but parliament can’t change the prime minister’s mind, parliament can’t change the government’s policy or determination.”
Mr Gove added preparations for Operation Yellowhammer were now entering the next stage, as the risk of no deal had increased due to the vote.
Mr Johnson stressed to Brussels in his letter he was only sending it at Parliament’s bidding. He got a senior diplomat to send an unsigned photocopy of a letter asking for an extension.
In a second note to European Council president Donald Tusk, the Prime Minister said the delay requested would be “deeply corrosive”. The third letter added Mr Johnson did not want an extension.
Jacob Rees-Mogg, leader of the House of Commons, said on Saturday the government planned to put Johnson’s exit deal to a debate and vote on Monday.
Michael Gove
Michael Gove insisted the UK will still leave on October 31 (Image: GETTY)
But the speaker of the House, John Bercow, said he would rule whether that would be allowed after several MPs said it would break with parliamentary convention that the same question cannot be put twice during the same session.
Mr Johnson told parliament that “next week the government will introduce the legislation needed for us to leave the EU with our new deal on October 31”.
Mr Letwin, who laid the amendment which derailed the Prime Minister’s plans on Saturday, said he was “behind the Government” and would support Mr Johnson’s deal.
Sir Oliver Letwin
Sir Oliver Letwin's amendment halted the PM's plans on Saturday (Image: GETTY)
He told the BBC: "I am absolutely behind the government now as long as they continue with this bill, continue with the deal, I will support it, I will vote for it.
"There will be no more Oliver Letwin amendments next week because there don't need to be, I am supporting the bill."
Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer left open the possibility that the party could back Mr Johnson's deal if a public vote was attached to it.