Tuesday 22 October 2019

Brexit deal: How did my MP vote on the Withdrawal Agreement Bill?

MPs have voted for the Withdrawal Agreement Bill to take the UK out of the European Union ending a series of defeats for the government on Brexit.
22 October 2019
MPs in Parliament
The first vote on Boris Johnson's bill passed by 329 to 299 but he failed to get approval for the swift timetable that would have allowed it to pass through the House of Commons by Thursday.
The government lost the timetable vote by 308 to 322.
To find out how your MP voted, use the search box below.

How did your MP vote on the Brexit Bill?

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Click here if you cannot see the look-up. Data from Commons Votes Services.
The Withdrawal Agreement Bill passed with the help of 19 Labour MPs who defied their leader Jeremy Corbyn to vote for the bill.
The government won the Brexit Bill vote by 329 to 299
Despite supporting the bill not all those Labour MPs agreed with the timetable proposed by the government. This would have seen the bill pass through the House of Commons by the end of Thursday.
The government lost the vote on the proposed timetable for the bill by 308 votes to 322

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