Tuesday 22 October 2019

Newspaper headlines-22 Oct 2019: Johnson in 'final push' and 'fears for Harry'

Boris JohnsonImage copyrightREUTERS
The front pages focus on Boris Johnson's final attempt to force Brexit through by Halloween.
"Now it really is crunch time", says the Daily Mail, which predicts a "Titanic Tuesday" in Parliament.
The Financial Times says the prime minister is hoping to secure a "significant breakthrough" in his battle to deliver Brexit and predicts he could scrape home, by 320 to 315, when the Commons votes on the second reading of the bill.
But the paper adds that the move to fast-track the deal through the Commons in just three days has prompted a "furious" response from a number of MPs, with some claiming they are being asked to "vote blindly" on the agreement.
The Times says the DUP has joined protests over the tight timetable, which it describes as an "ominous" sign for Mr Johnson.
The Guardian, meanwhile, quotes independent unionist MP Sylvia Hermon calling on Mr Johnson to visit Northern Ireland.
She says he should explain to people there why they deserve "just three days' consideration" of major changes that will affect them.
The Daily Mirror accuses Number 10 of trying to "ram" the measures through.
But an editorial in the Sun urges readers not to be duped by what it calls "weasel politicians", warning that any Labour amendment to keep the UK in a customs union would be a vote not to soften Brexit, but to stop it.
Such an amendment would prompt the prime minister to abandon his Brexit legislation, the Daily Telegraph predicts, and then demand an immediate election.
Meghan, Prince Harry and Prince WilliamImage copyrightAFP
Image captionPrince William's concerns for the well-being of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, make the lead in many papers
Prince William's concerns for the well-being of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, make the lead in many papers.
A source close to the princes tells the Sun that Harry "isn't in great shape" and his recent actions "are not those of a well-balanced man".
But a palace insider, quoted by the Times, says it would be difficult to watch the ITV documentary, in which the couple described their struggles living in the spotlight, and not to feel compassion.
On its front page, the Daily Telegraph highlights proposals to fit electric vehicles with green number plates to persuade more drivers to abandon petrol and diesel models.
The Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, believes zero-emission cars should become "the new normal".
But proposed perks for electric car drivers, such as allowing them to use bus lanes, come under fire in the Sun.
The Go-Ahead public transport group says such a move would undermine "the vital role" played by bus lanes in tackling congestion.
The Times leads with predictions that the UK's population could increase by three million over the next decade, with nearly 80% of the growth driven by immigration.
According to the paper, the population is set to hit 70 million.
The Daily Mail says the number of people over the age of 80 could almost double over the next 25 years, as more baby boomers reach old age.
A campaigner for the elderly tells the paper longer lives are "a huge opportunity", but society will also have to rethink its attitudes to age.

'Ear-splitting call'

Finally, there's news of a bird in the Amazon which has shattered the record for the loudest call ever recorded.
The Guardian reports that a male white bellbird was recorded at 125 decibels - louder than any other species in the avian kingdom.
The paper says it is the same volume as a pneumatic drill, while the Times compares the ear-splitting mating call to being next to a runway as a jet takes off.
According to an expert from the University of Massachusetts, this mode of courtship has a drawback: Females back off when the male is about to sing.
"They seem to be concerned about taking the full-assault at point-blank range," he tells the paper.
"I'm dying to know - what are the females thinking?"