Saturday 19 October 2019

Gove humiliates Remainer MPs ahead of crunch vote as he boasts 'Brexiteers are democrats!'

MICHAEL GOVE's speech in the House of Commons humiliated Remain MPs who hope to cancel Brexit as he said that Brexiteer MPs voting to pass a Brexit deal are democrats.

(Watch the speech using the link at the end of the article)

The Cabinet minister argued that MPs on both sides need to recognise that they are doing what they believe is best. He pointed at Remain MPs to respect the will of the people who voted to leave in the 2016 EU referendum. His comments come as MPs voted for the Letwin Amendment which forces Prime Minister to ask for an extension from the EU this weekend.

Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr Gove said: “Our democracy is a precious thing and our Parliament is a special place.
“Our democracy depends on respect for difference and this Parliament thrives on respecting the sincerity and the commitment to public service of every member.
“That is why I know deciding how to vote today, it is important that all of us recognise who argued to remain and still argue that it’s the best outcome, they do so as patriots.
“But they take a different view from some of us.
Brexit news
Gove humiliated Remain MPs as he said Brexiteers are democrats (Image: SKY)
“For those of you who voted to leave and have consistently argued that we should leave and have argued for a better deal, we should all recognise that they are arguing for what they believe is best for our country."
He added: "What unites us in this House is that we are democrats. And we voted in this House of Commons to have a referendum, we voted in this House of Commons to say that we would respect the verdict of the people.
"We voted overwhelmingly for Article 50 which honoured that referendum and said that we would leave.
"How would it look to those who send us here now if we say to them we made those sacred promises but now we chose to dishonour them?"
Brexit news
Mr Gove said Remain MPs must recognise what people voted for (Image: SKY)
His comments come as MPs voted for the Letwin Agreement 322 to 306.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said Boris Johnson must now comply with the law and request an extension.
Boris Johnson told the Commons: "It has been a very important debate, an exceptional moment for our country, an exceptional moment for our Parliament.
"Alas, the opportunity to have a meaningful vote has effectively been passed up because the meaningful vote has been voided of meaning.

Brexit news
"But I wish the House to know that I am not daunted or dismayed by this particular result and I think it probably became likely once it became obvious that the amendment from my right honourable friend, the member for West Dorset was going to remain on the order paper.
"I continue in the very strong belief that the best thing for the UK, and for the whole of Europe is for us to leave with this new deal on October 31, and to anticipate the questions that are coming from the benches opposite, I will not negotiate a delay with the EU."
He added: “I will not negotiate a delay with the EU and neither does the law compel me to do so."
“Further delay would be bad for this country, bad for our EU and bad for democracy. So next week the Government will introduce the legislation needed for us to leave the EU with our new deal on October 31st and I hope that our EU colleagues and friends will not be attracted as the benches opposite are, or rather I should say the front bench, by delay."