Friday 18 October 2019

What is the new Brexit deal? We explain Boris Johnson's agreement and how it differs from Theresa May's

Boris Johnson has negotiated a fundamentally different approach to Brexit, doing away with the Irish backstop ...

Boris Johnson has negotiated a fundamentally different approach to Brexit, doing away with the Irish backstop in favour of a new arrangement for Northern Ireland that will kick in when the transition period ends in December 2020.

He has also given up on Theresa May’s close economic partnership in favour of a more distant relationship based on a Free Trade Agreement. Here we examine the new deal, and the differences with Theresa May. 

The revised Irish Protocol

The new Irish Protocol seeks to set out not a ‘backstop’ that will fall away when ‘alternative arrangements’ can be shown to deliver an invisible border in Ireland, but an entirely new future for Northern Ireland.

This will require a complex...