Friday 18 October 2019

This may be Leavers' last, realistic chance to achieve a proper Brexit

They gambled and won by rejecting May’s awful deal. Now they should help the PM achieve the real thing

16 OCTOBER 2019 • 9:30PM

After decades of losing, Parliament's eurosceptics cannot afford to allow the perfect to be the enemy of the very good, writes Allister Heath
We are about to find out whether the Brexiteers’ great gamble is going to pay off. They were told that Theresa May’s abysmal half-in, half-out deal was their last chance, the final hope of clinching some sort of Brexit, albeit fatally adulterated. It was either that, or watch powerlessly as a hostile, all-powerful Remain establishment slowly extinguished their dream.

A hard-core of Brexiteers – the Spartans – didn’t accept this counsel of despair. They chose instead to roll the dice one last time: the fact that Mrs May, a rudderless, ideologically bereft PM, had decided to rat on them was...